A footastic friend.
Zenit lowered his gaze to see how tyson's wet soles rose and fell tightly around his member, this and the sight of ty's attractive tailhole further hardened his cock and his hips began to move again, adding an extra stimulation that led him to skim the sky
Mr Griffiths Foot Slave
He was then greeted by the soft moist soles of his feet. the fox had an idea of what might happen but he remained silent. "this is what will happen if you mention a word" with that being said he began to lick the fox's feet.
Corrections of Impressions
Lyle grunted as he felt that wet sole pressing against his groin, rubbing against his balls and his cock at the same time, and he hissed as the rhino rolled his foot back and forth, using the arch and stirrup of his sole to grind against one ball, then the
The Sole of the Destroyer 6: A New Strength
They hit the ground, their wet soles exposed as they slammed into the rock. the others closed around him, but abyss...danced, for lack of a better word.
The Portal Games: Arena 3, Episode 3
Glyn and lykus had returned, and the fight still continued as the wet-soled striped wolf distributed snacks to his team, and glyn did the same with his...though not without a small wink for isabella.
A Treasure of Time Epilogue
The feeling of a wet sole against her skin was enough to keep her motor running, and then some. "heh...ya know what, girl?" "mmmph?" "i got a thing for big girls..." he slapped her ass.
Veemon's Day
"flamedramon... would likely love to have those hot, moist soles of yours toying with his cock..." the rookie went wide eyed, blushing deeply. flamedramon's arms descended over him.
Shades of White and Bray [scat + watersports]
The hare almost immediately began humping into the two moist soles in quick thrusts. before long, the two were in a smooth rhythm of sucking and humping.
To Love an Orca's Feet
Slowly starting to move it back and forth got that fluid smeared onto his already wet sole. this wasn't what derrick had been expecting and it didn't take long for him to start melting against the pleasure that he felt.
The Destroyers' New Pet
Beerus was doing most of the work as he pushed and pulled his cock within his throat, so iggy was able to focus on moving his back half, using his still wet soles to squeeze and jerk off his other master's length.
A Day of Indulgence
He smiled, patting that long, soft, wet sole before allowing it to be pulled back. he looked at the dolphins that had been watching them, seeing that they had been listening in.
Pet-Sit Saturday (vore story)
Not finding any living mass of green fur downstairs, she headed up, holding onto the railing so as to not slip on her wet soles.