
It was befitting of what they were... wild horses, wild males, wild mustangs. the larger black male turned and let out a snort, flicking its tail before it moved to catch up with the herd of wild horses.

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Will, Persistence, Patience, and Love (a poem)

But will, it runs free not unlike a wild horse will, it will not sustain you after it has run its course. so look to the next skill in the line it, frankly, is a personal favorite of mine.

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Rubbing Off

Several wild horses raced along beside him, eager to challenge the newcomer. none seemed to particularly notice the human merged into his body.

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Stable Situation

"he looks like a wild horse but certainly doesn't behave like one..." the stable boy shook his head. "stall number 26 is still empty, we should bring this big boy there."

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Short: Lethonith

The big black balls that swung heavily beneath it pulsed and throbbed, the pungent musk of a wild horse rolling down them in warm droplets that fell to the dragoness's face.

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Just a Little While

These were wild horses! but why were they running away? there was some grass here. then she caught the new stinks. smells that brought real fear in her head.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 5

Named on account of that time in pepe's early life when he flew off a wild horse, and landed in the canyon, leaving a... wait, this is his early life! lexi: ......... we \*\*\*\*ed up again, didn't we?

The Clay and the Innkeeper

With that she starts taking more clay and fashioning a rather impressive sheath and set of ball that wouldn't look out of place on a wild stallion. then making more lewd comments and compliments she fashions him an equally impressive member.

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Her Amorous Lady Centaur (Kindle Teaser!)

She lives for those few moments in life where she can escape and ride free like a wild horse. when the opportunity presents itself, she steals one of her master's horses for a nightly ride through the woods.

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The Hyena Prince: Chapter 1

The children would be safe in the temple, at least that was the hope as the noise grew closer and closer, making fear run rampant through the streets, like a wild horse who had broken free of his ropes.

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Washing Machine

Now she felt riding a wild horse which wanted to shake her down. soon, the container stopped shaking. the container turning upside down caught her by surprise, urine rushed into her ears, noses and muzzle like fountain!

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