Shapeshifter City: Jobs of Ferals and the Biology of Shapeshifters

No one thought that it could be bypassed until 1965. one thing about shifting is that you could control what kind of flesh your flesh will be. which means that if you shifted with fat, you could actually change the fat to something non-fat.

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Zwei Tage im Sommer (Pt. 1)

Doch wer hatte damals - es war ja noch 1965 - den mut, mit 13 oder 14 jahren ein mädchen anzusprechen? vor allem war seine kleinstadt sehr konservativ eingestellt, und so jung schon eine freundin zu haben war völlig indiskutabel.

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The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 3-Africa,1965,Part 2

"Stevo, what happened to you?!" Stevo turned around, only to see Kimba with a frightened look on his face. "Kimba, I can explain!" "Who done this to you? I bet the hyenas did it!" "KIMBA! Please, calm down, nobody did this to me. I'm just an...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 35: A battle for freedom and A Sorrowful Reunion! Aisu vs. Nezbit!

Rhodesia was owned by england until 1965 and there were lots of indian laborers around, that's probably where i got my accent from, but i'm not sure myself..." kilala explained. "damn, your old!" rio shouted. "rio!

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TMC-01 The Mighty Courageans

#1 of misc superheroes the year is 1965 and this was the era of the silly superhero names and silly super villain names from comic book style lore. this is my take on the comic book style adventures.

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Hero, Chapter 7

\* since its inception in 1965, the mr. colossus was always held in new york city. in fifty years, the event had outgrown its original humble venue three times over.

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Your Picture in my Mind

"it's 1995, reuben, not 1965," the terrier barked at me. "i know, i know," i panted as we continued along the cold pavement. "and this isn't sweet home alabama, this is san francisco!" she reminded me rather unnecessarily.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 44: Two stories, one Author, The Dark Coastlines!

Rhodesia was owned by england until 1965 and there were lots of indian laborers around, that's probably where i got my accent from, but i'm not sure myself..." kilala explained. "damn, your old!" rio shouted. "rio!

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Special Access - Prologue and Chap 1

Special access prologue early 1965 - outside vladivostok dimitry filipov was a young brown bear who was new to the kgb, but he hoped to make a career there.

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A Night at the County Fair: Part II

The only thing is that i was fifteen years old by the time the gypsies ran across me, half starved in the snow, and that was back in 1965." rose put a grin on rascal's face, it was still strange to see it moving without his command.

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You Are Leaving the American Sector

It's set in berlin in 1965, a few years after the establishment of the berlin wall. enter a tired, world-weary and broken man, looking for one last chance at the american dream, outside the american sector...

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Lost flight part 2

Prologue: year 1965, pacific ocean north of the hawaiian islands, depth 350 ft. skate class submarine uss tiger fish ssn-579.

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