The Half-Moon Tribe: The Four Moons IV

avalon?" i asked. i didn't realize until now that maybe not everyone got to see their leaders as often as i had. i'd seen avalon and slayn hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and i swear i saw avalon grope slayn's ass once.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 8

avalon is its own planet. it's not a part of the allied planets. slavery is forbidden there. no sentient being owns another on avalon." "but you said there were trackers and that i wouldn't be safe there." "and i meant it."

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter twenty-one

Kurotama stood in the very presence of avalon's heart. the dimensional nexus was a massive confluence of leylines, all twisting about a single point in space. it was a piece of the world that had been separated from the whole.

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Jason's Nightmare - Part 10 [Memories of Sarah: Part 1]

Jason found himself sitting under the shade of the tree by the lake back at avalon, the young riolu staring at blank nothingness as his mind slowly ate itself away in depression of damion's death.

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Stone Hard in the Canyon (May Rule 34 #1 Teaser)

I thought avalon only sent its travelers to great sources of water." "it seems even avalon's magic is out of our understanding." the man said.

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The Misadventures of Jason

Charlie on the other hand, seemed to really, really love the new fast food chain that opened up in avalon. "man, i'm glad avalon decided to give modernization a try."

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 14

The screen in front of strong soul lit up and the standard star map that she'd seen before they arrived at avalon appeared.

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The Golgothians

The need for scientific equipment and magical components or artefacts has made the golgothians particularly hostile against various research organization, with the avalon agency being their number one target.

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Locker Room Cub: Epilouge

avalon was an understanding wolf...though the bruise on averal's face might have spoken otherwise.

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Treasure Seeker: Night Approaches

All of this action was watched over by avalon spies and scouts. all day they relayed messages from the city, to runners in the desert to the old fortress of the desert fox, the new command center of the avalon army.

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