My Little Mashup 26 - Black and White

And then, instead of the blobby magellanic clouds, there was a barred spiral companion galaxy. more oohs and aahs emerged as the pegasi unveiled a tiny dim blue and red splotch that had to be a nebula.

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Trouser Slug (Part 1)

With a glad smile, he saw the familiar blobby shape of a phione, but the more he stared at it the more it just did not like right. the pokémon looked up at him with eyes surrounded in gold.

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The Belly Eternal

Massive, blobby outlines wavered against the dull plastic as though a melted geographical form was hidden behind it. there was a soft whir of machines and a regular hum, pause and hum again of a pump running.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 21

All he saw were those blobby green splotches that always appeared whenever he covered his eyes long enough. no flashes of brilliance for him. he lowered his hands, wondering how long he should wait before talking to lana again.

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Bunny's birthday WIP

Tom commented, lifting up a shirt and exposing the blobby shaped discolored ring on the carpet underneath it.

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Furball (Chapter 1)

"you oughta rethink that, blobby. you've probably got your body on display online, which i'm sure gives you tons of attention... but that face? you're just so damn adorable, always looking like you've got food in your cheeks like that!"

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Sushi Lunch

Had anyone climbed the soft mass of blobby fox to the summit, they would have heard her crying out for more still!

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 21

All he saw were those blobby green splotches that always appeared whenever he covered his eyes long enough. no flashes of brilliance for him. he lowered his hands, wondering how long he should wait before talking to lana again.

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Camping Trip (pt 3)

They ran up his spine -- where his spine would be -- and to the back of his head, linking together tighter as they shifted around inside his head and eventually distended his forehead, pushing out in blobby, fat-tipped horns.

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The Fattest Doll of All

His form was swelling into a blobby mass of indistinct rolls and folds, and his belly fattened so fast it seemed to pour forth over his crotch in a fat apron that pooled and settled on the bus stairs.

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Sakura and the Blob Pt 1

She feels tightness as the blobby cock stops, being stopped of course by her cervix.

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Team Attack

His cocks were all spiky, covered in ridges, and so coated in layers of pre they looked blobby and amorphous, like big fat mushrooms.

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