Sometimes Getting Lucky is Getting Lucky

He was exactly as much of a bad boy as carter imagined him to be.

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Changing Stripes

Noah's eyes mirrored carter's, looking down the white and black striped sides and white chest. carter wasn't heavily muscled, and instead was smooth and sleek.

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Carter's Bartime Part 2

The rough demeanour of the voice snapped carter out of his sex dazed nap he'd slipped into after john had left. carter jumped slightly in fright, but found that the energy to move did not want to come.

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(Carbon) Dating Lessons

carter's grin simply turned from innocent to lecherous in under a millisecond, leaving zeke dumbfounded. "don't act like you're not impressed." carter snorted.

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Sexy Bartime pt 3

carter begged gonzalez, head turned back to look at the bear.

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Somewhere - Episode 1 - No Boys Allowed

carter: "tell me why." forzas minus carter: "ain't nothin' but a heartache." carter: "tell me why." forzas minus carter: "ain't nothin' but a mistake. tell me why." carter: "i never wanna hear you say i want it that way. am i your fire?

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A Learning Curve - Part Eight

He looked carter square in the eye, smiled gratefully to the skunk for all he had done... and shook his head. "s-sorry, carter. i just...

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Alternate Resources

carter looked back towards the woods. "we saw a centaur! let's run!" but luke was already following. "you can run if you want. i'm already grounded for a month when my parents find out. geeze, carter!

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Love Anew : The heart wants what it cannot have

It wasn't that carter couldn't love a pokémon, but that a pokémon had broken his heart. carter didn't want to feel that pain of loss again. kerr understood where he was coming from but told carter that fia would not be put off and she wanted him.

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The Vault

carter replied with a smile. "how about the back?" "what do you meaaaahhh!" i started before i felt one of carters hands slide down my skirt swiftly and squeeze my ass.

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