Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 11

#11 of under cloak of darkness (song: ka-boom ka-boom by marilyn manson) (scene: the death of an immortal/kimona gets molested) eveser awoke with a start. he looked around, he was in his room.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 10

#10 of under cloak of darkness (song: psychosocial by slipknot) (scene: dameon's transformation/aftermath: lives lost to the invisible) dameon paced the chamber where the gyro stood.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 7

#7 of under cloak of darkness eveser jumped upwards, aided by his wings, and shot a huge ball of flames at the approaching behaku warrior. it vanished and appeared behind him, prepared to swing its blade at his head!

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 6

It was a man in a cloak. the cloak covered his face, but allowed his two burning red eyes to show. dameon's own became the same color as he entered the dungeon. "you! what do you want?!" he shouted angrily.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 5

#5 of under cloak of darkness she tried to run, but couldn't. she simply ran in place, legs moving but going nowhere. he walked up to her slowly, a smirk on his steel features. he reached her and stood to her side. she stopped running.


Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 2

#2 of under cloak of darkness he woke with a very painful sensation in his head. he tried to sit up, but was held down by strong, feminine paws. "wha-what happened? where am i?" he asked groggily.

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Light Taker

And the idolon suit the scientists thought was merely cloaking its user actually transported them into it. the dwellers and worms; creatures that only seemed to exist in the shadow world.

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Part 1 to 8 Comic Book Script

I would say, cloaked mountain dirt off brown colored full cloaks, near blending in with the mountains even standing aside their leader but just enough so folks can see them.

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Professor Krent in the cloak cupboard with a lead pipe

The room is small and filled with peoples cloaks. a single bare bulb is the only illumination and it gives the room lovely mood lighting. the rabbit already has his tie undone and his shirt unbuttoned but not untucked as i enter.

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#8. The Arrangement

At the three quarter mark a rather tall cloaked figure seemed to be waiting. "welcome, elder vyekk and you launa moon viander my name is lady coreencia. as you are no doubtably aware of i'm the goddess of balance and judgment.

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Kyle: Hungry for revenge

The cloaked man asked "all that's important is that i am from the infamy gang." he said as he grinned "i think he is shaking under that cloak." the pit bull said pointing to the cloaked figure.

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Equestrian Knights Ch 5. Cloaks and Effeminate Sea Searpents

The cloaked pony simply repeated. "we don't want to have to hurt you, but we will if necessary.""yes, turn around now!" said one of the other cloaked creatures, this one with a female voice."turn around, or you'll be sorry!"

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