Hide & Squeak

Despite being a snake, a species not widely known for their maternal instincts, the four-armed naga known as Careeth truly enjoyed motherhood. She loved Galis, the diminutive, black-scaled gravity dragon who was pet, husband, and father of her children...

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Illusions of Grandeur - Chapter 4

It felt as if he touched all of her all at once, scale against fur, constricting. his head ended up curling up from her chest, over her shoulder, and around her neck, cheek against hers.

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Realignment II. The Receptionist

The feint brush against remy's cockhead made him jump in the coils that expertly constricted him. "i said i wasn't going to eat you," kirik remarked with a chuckle, "let's just say i wasn't entirely honesssst."

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North and South Chapter 11: Kia He pt.2

Volcan groaned as he felt raguram constricting him, unable to free his legs from the snake's coils, and having only his hands to fight back with.

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#TFTuesday: Boa Constrictor

#tftuesday boa constrictor the muggy air surrounding neil was as damp and constricting as the fibrous bindings keeping his hands tied down between his legs, his clenched fists dripping sweat that oozed down his mostly nude body

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Cethin and His First Humans

It contains vore, slight constricting, death and i guess you could say cub or fawn. ? ? today he found a fawn laying on some leaves, waiting for his mother. to bad, his mother had sensed the anaconda and abandoned her young.

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Kaa Encounter (Pt.4) Wet and Wrapped

The pleasure mixed with the deliriousness and fear that only amplified his emotional responses, shutting down from the overwhelming experience of becoming prey for a very long, constricting, snake.

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Used and Abused

Used and Abused * * * Of all the things that passed through her filthy and mildly violent mind, she was most appalled at letting someone she cared about getting intentionally abused. However, something about watching her close friend have his way...

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Head Problems

Paranoia. It was the only way he could explain how he felt in just one word, but it didn't' feel enough to describe what was really going on. With a ragged sigh, the werewolf continued his trek through the woods. Soothing his head seemed like the only...

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Vorisk's Casual Dining Out

Feeling this i begin constricting tighter, and tighter. the caiman's maw trying to open for any chance it might get for air.

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Team Spirit

Emma tossed her phone on her bed and let out a bit of a groan as she cracked her back and shoulders with the movement. It had been a good morning, but she was still a bit sore from the night before when she had gone out for practice in the park. The...

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Digital Bonding

The cobra proceeded to constrict its prey; squeezing their bodies and crushing their bones. "you three caused me so much trouble. i'm going to take joy in ending your lives."

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