A strange meeting
The Garden
So ... Yeah. I'm here to tell you to please not forget me. I'm sorry I'm not writing all that often, I'm sorry that My Night series has fallen into 'disrepair' and I'm sorry that I'm not spending as much time writing upon one story as I should....
The Tinkerbell
Blasted typo demon -.-
Wrong Turn
Unit 13
The fire fight was thick and furious. Shrapnel was blown over a ditch in the green turf of the alien world. Blue nav markers indicated friendlies, while the enemy simply showed up as yellow dots upon motion...
College Fun
Note. This story will eventually make more sense when I've finished _Glenroy Oaks_. This story is about another human, and opens up alot of Liam's past. For future readers, read _Glenroy Oaks_ before this, to get the full picture. I...
Mystery's Mystery
He took a brief moment to watch the young man in the observation room switch between his son and the demon rukoi before turning back to the young man that had spoken up. "you don't have all the information yet." came dimitri's soft, velvety voice.