Growing Fun

He wriggles against the one arm hug from the horse as galen laughs loudly at his expense. "isn't it a bit early for that?" galen continues to tease the blushing human as he twists around.

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Chapter 12: Reunion

If galen's not worried about it, i don't see why we should be. besides, i think it's rather clear that galen has been here before. i would imagine he knows what he's talking about." galen nodded.

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Adeline's Tears

galen solemnly swore, then have her a tighter hug.

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Interlude V: Influence of the Past

"galen...what's going on? why did riley call out? what did he find?" galen gulped. "well...i think i may be right." sarina's brow furrowed. "okay...right about what? what is going on?"

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Galen's Story: Prologue

galen said, becoming a bit exasperated.

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galen's cock was gone now, it had liquefied into pink and red pulp in the vague shape of what used to be galen's penis.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 14

galen grinned, impressed with mick. "very observant. well, let's get down to business. i am-" "no names." mick said flatly, cutting of galen as he held up a hand. galen played along, acting surprised. "wha?" "rule # 2: no names." mick explained.

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Session No. 5

User=70666&character=0&clevel=2) galen]( "galen") who commissioned this session.

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Powers that Bind 1

It was while he was thinking this, his own mind wandering, imagining what his brother was thinking or seeing off in his visions, that galen seemingly came back to life. galen gasped out, body twitching as he hunched forward, coughing a bit. "g-galen!"

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 12

Amon gently started to nuzzle galen, slowly grinding his hard cock against galen's rear, along with using a hand to start tweaking galen's nipples, causing the lion to let out an erotic moan. "i know you are tense and stressed, my coven brother."

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Session No. 5

User=27290&character=0&clevel=2) bsaxagent]( "galen")who wrote this session, and galen belongs to me.

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