Humanity, The Predecessors

They are not human. they are similar to humans, though. they have similar body structures to humans, but have animal characteristics. while they look similar to humans, they also have animal-like heads, tails, and fur.

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Humanity Gone

Of course this ray had a 45% chance it would work on each human, so naturally, about 1 in every 3 or so humans were affected. it didn't matter who you were, it would get you, or it wouldn't.

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Tattering Humanity

She rescinded all thought of being human, and flagged them with her ass. arousal had whiped all sense from her, as she begged for mounting.

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The Extinction of humanity

humans got infected with the virus which had transmitted from pokémon. humans did not die as much. the humans who were with us had the idea that pokémon could preserve the knowledge they had acquired.

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Human Encounter

They have mates and there are no other humans, kayla thought. kayla was just sitting on pride rock, when suddenly kiara came out. "hi!", kiara said. kiara said hi back. kiara knew something was wrong. kayla told kiara how she was feeling.

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Humanity Displaced

The beast will become more human, and the human becomes a beast." telal nodded. "preventing humans from reproducing because no one will be completely human anymore, thus ending the human race within this generation.

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Feral Humans

He couldn't believe it, the beast was using him, and his ass, like a human flesh light to wank off its own 12 inch dick.

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To A Human World

The person has to be quite mentally unstable to turn feral- and there are treatments to help bring a feral back to be part human again, going feral isn't necessarily the end of your humanity.

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No Human's Sky

The atlas does not like to waste life however, so when he dies as a human, the atlas repurposes him as something more appropriate for what he was trying to do.

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Humans suck.

A war had started when scientists had combined human d.n.a with animal to make anthromorphic animals that were almost exactly the same has humans but were animalistic.

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The Running of the Humans

Visitors and tourists drop tons of cash for novelties such as human figurines, dolls (with realistic human sounds), framed pictures of previous runs, human shaped key rings, papier-mâché human masks, little jars with clipped genital hairs of humans, the list

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