Bad Porn: Chapter Two

micas was unable to repress a grin as he patted the roo on the back. "you do have a real job, silas." "thanks mi-" "you just suck at it." "...thanks, micas." _alrightythen! chapter two's done. don't yell at me!

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The Styx Diner - Ch. 3

mica smiled and nodded her head. "you are alive technically. you're bound to the mouse there.

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The Styx Diner - Ch. 1

She paused and motioned to mica. "that is mica hael, trainee for the lost and found." "don't forget me!"

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Dragon Riders: Valiance and Serene

mica was methon's second female, the dragon had three in all: regent his first rider, mica, and then tona herself. they lived in a harmonious lifestyle with their young sons running about their legs.

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Geeks and Lovers ch. 1

mica- a female cat that was tall and big breasted( she a porn star by the way). 5. klien- a male fox that is very feminine looking .

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron

Shatter level 2 - evocation casting time: 1 action range: 60 feet components: v, s, m (a chip of mica) duration: instantaneous a sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of your choice within range.

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Following the signs to mica when the path split into several directions louis found himself alone at the wall of the town of mica at six in the morning.

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Second Chances: Reconnecting

mica frowned at the readout. "are these readings right?" she looked to the heart rate monitor, her brow raising- the pulse was far too slow and weak for a trianii, yet her oxygen levels were normal.

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SW Second Chances PT 3 - Reconnecting by Kajex Surnahm

mica frowned at the readout. "are these readings right?" she looked to the heart rate monitor, her brow raising- the pulse was far too slow and weak for a trianii, yet her oxygen levels were normal.

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Black Meridian 15: Psychic Eyes

"are ye sure this is the one mica?" the shepherd nodded. "yup, that's the one, used me like a _fucking_ shield! no tail, i'd recognise the git anywhere!"

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Dream I had last night

The car was covered in a thin sheet of frost that sparkled against the vehicle's black mica finish. derrick pulled the handle harshly expecting it to be frozen though it wasn't.

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