Lurking in the Mud - Community Service

He gets paired up with garn for some very muddy but unexpectedly enjoyable work.

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Faux Gold

The man looked at his muddy clothes and skin, realizing that he smelled like trash and was covered with dirt, some dry hard mud stuck in his hair.


In Love and War

Each day one of them was cast out of the trench to the muddy battlefield outside to look for any sign of trouble. only about half of them returned.

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Brawn, Boobs and Babies

Harder, muddy! harder!" and harder he went. unknown to jinx, she had begun ovulating. jinx could feel his cock starting to bulge and throb.

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Majorra and Damien Part I

Majorra's right hand tugs abruptly, at her own pants, her legs lifting upward, one after the other, as her muddied boots kicks them aside.

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Lurking in the Mud - Familiar Shenanigans

Nall whined and squirmed in his muddy prison, sinking deeper into the creamy pit of clay as the squirrel's words made his cock twitch.

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A Belated Promise (Snuff)

Shi was cold to the bone as shi breathed the muddy water with peaceful contentment that surprised hirself. the trembling heat of hir afterglow soothed by the water's embrace.

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Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 2

And ahead of us, at the end of a beaten, weed-choked path, in the centre of a muddy square about which many of the other buildings are huddled, sits a wooden church.

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Lurking in the Mud - A Lost Leopard

The figure effortlessly bounded over the muddy ground on all fours, slithering to a stop and standing back up with a cheeky grin.

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Lurking in the Mud: Seashore Days

Forest followed, stepping confidently into the large muddy holes orel had made with his feet.

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Track and Field

Torrential storms had reduced the beautiful field into a mess of muddy grass. although the rain had long since passed, the teen found himself slipping and sliding over the slick ground.

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She stood precariously on the bit of grass, which held her about an inch over the muddy-looking ground.

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