lisa, where are you?

Can be bart" she laughed and said that i should start like this "well i'm in the doorway, call me over and try to seduce me" soi called her to my bed and asked "can i play your horn" "im not letting you play my saxophone, bart" "i didn't mean your sax

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As Time Goes By Part 1

"hey, a trumpet's one things but if you know how to play one sax, you know them all."

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Smokin (Story only Version)

It was a soft jazz song, with a beautiful sax. "background music," azoth said as i entered my room, rose in mouth and his shirt strap hanging from his shoulder.

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Die andere Welt in der ich Landete.docx

„ich hätte ja nie gedacht dass patrick zu dem reichsten morph auf sax gehört." „ja er gehört mir ist aber trotz dem nicht mein eigentum wenn du verstehst wie ich das meine." „ah ja verstehe ich bill!

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Chapter 18 “Aftermath”

sax. richard. tony... they are dead as well." ryan explained coldly, feeling nothing bad about any of it. "... ryan, how exactly would you know all this-?" mr.

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Love Ensemble, Part 5

Back in the locker room, blake put his sax away and sighed quietly. he was nervous about later tonight, but he was much more worried about the words that oliver had said. they seemed to haunt him. "gah!"

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A Late Halloween Report

The beat of the bass, chiming xylophone, the mournful sax, put the fox into his pensive mood as his computer recorded his audio journal._ "oh yeah, that's better. now, where was i? oh, right. underworld and everything between.

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Woes of a Sophmore Tiger

The other guys were all sports jocks, band geeks with their saxes and trumpets, computer nerds or the "popular ones" that acted like d bags all the time.

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Chapter Two

Ben stood in the field wearing his naval blue outfit with his alto sax in his lap. "hey ben," ashley whispered as the trio were sitting across from one another. "yo," ben looked up from the game and turned to ashley.

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Stralia - Ocean's Depths

Rumours, no they were harder to kill than saxes.

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Chapter 20 “Who are you?”

sax. he beat calvin half to death. he lied about everything. to me. to ryan. to everyone." dion finally spoke, having gathered enough strength to tell what had traumatized him so blatantly.

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