Moon-Maddened Drunkard

Not even bothering to whisk his dick out any remaining trapped seme, the brewmaster could feel both his strength and the grasp of the ancients fade away. all he could do is slowly push out the occupying object from within him, and slump on his sides.

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Tina II Chapter Five- Two out of three ain't bad- A Gray Muzzle story

Finally, she selected a short, sheer gay one, sleeveless, that semed to float on her, as if suspended on air. satisfied as to how she looked, she slipped on some gray flats. as before, she wore nothing underneath her street clothes.

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Promise CH.1 -DMFA Fanfiction-

"becuase you're a seme clan incubus. the emotion, despair, represents you so making me sad would let you absorb those emotions and give you energy."

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The Magic Knights - First Day of School and the New History Teacher

Said ono, and kion could only roll his eyes, that was ono being ono, always semeed to be ready to encourage people to be better, much like his sister made most of her free time. kion could swear that he was almost as annoying at it like she was.

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Serenity Base Pilot part 3

Jenny semes to be taking it in her stride, taking her time and throwing each shot carefully. but that was really all that amy could see. hearing gave her other clues, although limited.

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Everything or Nothing Chapter 18- The Naked Truth

The trio of canines quickly started to make for the door, when it slamed shut, semingly all by itslef. "one second though," azuka said with her back turned from the door, and the three wolves. "who broke his arm?"

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Toothless' Transformation : Chapter 2

Toothless was left alone in the pasture, grazing in a semingly peaceful and serenefashion. well, not exactly alone, as a bit farther from her were the other cows of jarrus, some of them giving mildly curious glances from a distance at the new black cow.

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Electric Touch: Chapter 20 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

It seemed to stay there until it finally turned around to face what semed to be a long street, and then, ran at full speed through the street!.

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Problems in Paradise

Ezekiel was the typical seme with his heavy set build, azure eyes, black hair and weighing close to two hundred and thirty pounds.

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Fighting for Love

I got a wave from him once, but he semed concentrated on his fighting. i got into the spirit of the crowd and cheered when he won.

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Ovoid Beginnings

Jacob's been a real help by the way, says he's a good friend of yours as well and he's let me use his seme machine to detail everything that happened and send you what i remember so that i can help you get some idea of what happened to me.

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Promise CH.5 -DMFA Fanfiction-

" parents told me once that we were part of seme's clan of despair because of 'the great war'."

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