Royal Meeting

._ she knew pretty much every single one of them was a snobbish suck-up, simply wishing to get on their ruler's good side, if only for favors or the slim chance of an opportunity to stab her in the back. such was the ebon dragoness way.

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Brothers, or more? part 2

"i bet there are some berries we can eat if things go bad," chris said snobbishly. josh suddenly pressed the elevator to go down and ran for the stairs instead of the elevator. "hey chris! look it's your favorite, stairs."

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Don't own me ch 3

The snobbish, uptight looking feline girl yelled. "4000." the fat panda yelled. "5000" came from the fox. this kept going in till 20,000 for the fox, she must have been really rich to go up that high.

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Swoleverse: Manual

Phoros, the impure perfection:- a bit of an uptight deity who views even other gods beneath himself and his gloriously-built physique, but it wasn't his snobbish and prudish attitude that got him cast out, but it was his attempt at draining the powers of

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An Inauspicious Moment (Chapter 1)

'hehe, those snobbish teen furs at the university will be green with envy once they see this wild south american canid mount this bad girl.'

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My Best Friend's Polar Bear Dad

I sigh because i know as does ellie that it's just that tiny snobbish corner of jordan coming out and it explains his reticence to have me put up his dad. that little snob part of jordan's soul is ashamed of his construction worker dad.

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Stud-Sitting Part 5

It turned out he had been a stray for a while, lived as the pet of some snobbish old wolf, and finally been adopted into a loving family as a real son.

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Reminiscence ~ A Good Person

At least.. he's the first i've seen so snobbish. "so.. uh.." as i tried to strike another avenue for conversation with him he tore out a page from his notebook and gave it to me. there was a japanese symbol on it that i could not understand.


Stormy Valentine

Asked pearl evilly and snobbishly like a british class twit in epochs unturned. "oh, it was was great" said steven, but his eyes didn't leave the humongous breasts of the amethyst.

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The leopard craned her neck back, peering at her in a faux-snobbish gesture, "back so soon?" the countess flicked an ear, licking her whiskers, "and still teaching, i take it? the smell of human children in fresh upon you.

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Cinder-Ella Chapter 2

Tarin asked, in a snobbish, arrogant tone. "have you seen a drragon in a volcano?" cinder snapped, looking at him with an annoyed stare.

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Pheasant Hunt 03 - Despair

Pepe didnt say a word, now thinking about ending getting shot by some snobbish preds just for fun. like all the others in the trunk.. "a.. and the ones in the back?" he gasped. "not all go there... i have more clients." the scaled one said short.

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