The Last Diablero

Seeking enlightenment and black sorcery, a supplicant wanders in the mexican desert where a transparent black dog and a luminescent coyote lead him to his destiny.

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Avatar of Bahamut

Before, being nearly laid back into the cleric's embrace, they were lifted up by his supplicants, but now one foot rested firmly upon the ground, the other pressing the adoring cheetah firmly against the floor, much to their pleasure.

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Taking a Dive

"supplicants, please bring your request before the goddess mashara, that you may be blessed by hir." i hoped none of them could see the blush i felt creeping under my fur. "don't worry," whispered jianba.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.1, Doen

"the priests and priestess of doen do not identify ourselves by sex when we spend time with our supplicants."

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Whim - The Pieces We Are

So wonderfully soft and sweet, we reward our followers with kisses and nibbles, and those wonderful supplicants that need release are treated to a slow and delicate suckle.

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The Center of the Universe

Eager supplicants, stunned by what they just witnessed, broke ranks after a moment and surged towards the taur.

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Filling The Heavens With Stars

She lifted him from his place of supplication, guiding him as her tongue danced within his mouth, smooth glass and so unlike the normal organ, and yet alive and warm and very much real.

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Feori: Farming to Theomancy (Part 1)

His supplication would be taken the wrong way, someone would assume he was practising witchcraft or begging some dark force to murder their daughter; people were too superstitious around here.

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Papa Prakibak 3

Some of the rather amorous kobolds lean out from their place in line to get a glance at the glowing god standing before the small supplicant. "you're prastlerdai, right?' the scrawny kobold claps their hands together, bouncing on their toes.

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Wild Experiment 4 - Moon Magic Transformation!

Eclipse just breathes, closing his eyes and laying back now, enjoying the supplication the two women are giving him after such a rough fucking. "oh, not much, just that everyone wants to fuck him. simple as that." tik tik giggles. "make sense.

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