No shame
He thinks to himself for a minute before grabbing his laptop and his webcam and putting them onto his couch.
Turning Back The Clock
He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away from the webcam, which was pointing down in his direction. jevin, in turn, pressed the dirty tread of his shoe to nox's cheek, and forced him to look back at the webcam. "no, no.
One Hot Tease
After having a nice dinner, ignis got out his laptop and his webcam and sat down on the couch and began setting up a stream, notifying his subscribers he was going to be going live very shortly.
Your Results Are In!
Your webcam! you reach to tap it on, but you remember you'd taken it down for some reason or the other.
Transformation Stream Story 20: Were-Girl Webcams
From the mind of fa: rayoelgatubelo sprung forth this idea of two were friends enjoying a naughty webcam chat with each other. it got a little...hairy.
Webcam buddies. (Croc version.)
#1 of webcam buddies the start of maybe a series about two online friends on webcam. this is from the crocodile's perspective. enjoy~ i am also taking commissions, if someone is interested, let me know.
Bedtime Bribery
Thunder glanced around to the window for the webcam and saw that he wasn't there. he wondered what exactly the drake was up to, but the music blasting through from razul's side made him all the more curious.
What once Was...Ch 6
He then closes his door and pulls out his webcam. he sets it on top of his screen and then types into the chat window, "you get your webcam yet? i'm going on mine, i never seen you yet."
The Trainer's Touch - Part 2 - Turning the Other Cheek
._ the sun was still bright enough to be all the lighting he needed and he positioned his webcam in the best possible place.
Winter Break
Coincidentally, you returned home, the brightness of the outside framing your silhouette on the webcam as sal seriously considered slamming his laptop shut. "hey dude, you're not gonna believe this.
Private Show
Chip had gifted him a webcam sometime last year so that they could help each other study, in the event one or the other could come over. but there was no studying today, that much was clear.
Clueless Season Two: Toru's Life Tour (Homecoming-out Part 8)
In a hurry, the akita backstepped into the center of the webcam's frame, in an uptight posture with both paws balled at the base of his chest.