Zoo cleaning part 1

So he was looking up at zena dirty brown ass. " time to feed you sin" zena purred ,as her wet pussy,drip her pre on his face. which he happily licked up.

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I Always Know What You Want

I can see him squirm, the movement working the dildo deeper into his ass. time to break my little pony.

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Gods and Devils

And you sure did take your sweet ass time dragging me out too." the rottweiler said before taking a much longer drag off the bear's cigar, letting out a puff of dull pink smoke with a dark grin. "i made it up to you afterward didn't i?"

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Forever Sinful chapter 3

Bruno didn't have to wait long and the ass and hips were helping him along the bunny holding on tightly as he lifted his hips to meet that soft rear time and again a steady pace was building and they were hitting a rhythm that seemed perfect, taking

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Carnal Shock

He clenched his muscles around that delicious foxhood, which only made sam all the more eager as he drove himself hard and deep into that wanting rump time and again. "you are... ungh... so cute..."

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Where Life Can Lead, Chapter 2

Okay so this is the first time i've written anything in a long ass time, and the first time i've ever written smut outside of a roleplay.

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Corruption Chapter one: The road trip.

We were having a kick ass time. when the truck gained traction, we straightened out and drove towards the college on a road of our own choosing. but that is where the problems began. without warning, our truck flipped.

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Kauto and MW Part 7c

Kauto swiftly spun mw onto his stomach and moved cock close to mw tight ass. 'time for you to get into shape! haha' kauto said evilly as he buried his muscular cock deep into mw. his seed already exploding into the wolf.

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JBIAF: You Want It When?

The blond announced, as all the students within robyn's peripheral vision guffawed at her bare bottom. "time to teach them a lesson..."


Abduction Van

It's like a horrible and incredibly strong aching pulse that just lingers there for a long ass time. he spun my scut again, like he was going to pull it out. i cried as if my brain was being shredded from the inside.

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The Customer is Always Right

His heat seemed to be taking its sweet ass time to come out, but when izak exhaled through his nosed and tickled the skin, it shot out the rest of the way.

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Getting a treat -pt.2

"took your sweet ass time like usual." pushing away from his car as he spoke with that gruff voice; his paw swatting in the air for an invisible bug. "well at least you arrived on time, and this time without sombody or somthing stuck to your crotch."

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