Bad Times on the Beach

He sighed with delight as he was finally covered up, the pup wiping sweat from his forehead as he approached the water.

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Wolf Wish

She wasn't so much disgusted with what she thought he was doing, but more that he was doing a very poor job of covering up the evidence.

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Why it's Always Good to go to the Gym - 3

Junfu smiles down at his sleeping baby, and slowly detangles himself from his lover, gets up, and covers up and tuck in his dragon, kissing his forehead gently.

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Delayed destiny ch 8 (Clean)

I think because we escaped they had to cover up what was really gonna happen. (joe) if it is a cover up it's a good one. this whole story seems somewhat believable. (farren) i think the story is true.

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Joy Ride: Part 1

And on the other hand, his stranger danger instinct didn't like the idea of being covered up in the back of the truck. just his overactive imagination, but... "yeah, leave me uncovered." danny decided.

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Webcam buddies. (Croc version.)

His dick was on display, hanging flaccid but covered up quickly by a hand. he turned around, crawling up on the large chair and looking over his shoulder. "fuck, that's a nice ass."

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File #11

He wanted it all to be a lie... an elaborate romulan cover up. if it was a cover up, then it was the most realistic one he had ever encountered in his life. he had learnt not to take face situations at face value during his time on the warrior.

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Smoothing Things Out Part 9

"some of the stuff you have now is going to be covered up." "oh, well...i don't mind the new hole getting covered up for a bit." "not just that." "...what, you mean -" "yep. gonna be smaller again." "...just for this.

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Making Music Pt. IV

Brittney's attention quickly turned to her mother, who slipped on her thong and covered up with a silk nightgown that seemed a little too short for her when she put it on.

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The Horrors of Stonebury, Chapter 1

"i suppose you think it's easier to cover up one death than it is to cover up thousands." "one man dies every day, a million times a day...but they don't all do it at once, steven. that isn't how this country works."

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Hypnovember - Day 27: Sex toy

Fingerless leather boots to cover up his paws, and a nice rubber jockstrap to gave his bulge some extra spiciness to it. "my, oh my. you look wonderful, my boy," sanmer complimented on his look, clapping softly.

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But here i am hiding underneath my hoodie to cover up these deep cuts i've been smoking so much that the ashtray is overflowing with cigarette butts honestly my mind is a warzone where there will be nothing left alive and yet somehow hidden deep inside

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