The Wisps 'o' the Woods...Watermeadows prt 2.

Chapter 2...The Wisps 'o' the Woods Akaidria looked up from her ever present palm tablet, stretching her aching back. It was just over two months since the first change in the water meadow and her belly was gravid with pups. She had been careful to...

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The Pride of the Pride Lands [PTRN]

This wasn't the help Simba had envisioned in the slightest. His barrel chest heaved greatly as he took in his swelling form, arms looking thicker than elephant legs and likely strong enough to pick up the grey-skinned beasts with little...

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Pokemon Commission: Returning Fire

Azure was perhaps working the most boring day of his life as a pokemon caretaker. No one was dropping their pokemon off and currently they had a population of zero in the back. Not a single pokemon had been dropped off the entire week in fact. It...

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Lorraine's Mistaken Snakes - 2016

Lorraine's Mistaken Snakes by tannim December 27, 2016 Hiking hadn't been a good idea. The heat hadn't seemed so bad when she left, but it just got hotter as Lorraine trudged along the path. She could handle heat. It was the sweating under her...

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Time For Bed

"Alright, come on. It's nearing your bedtimes." The two young cubs let out a long groan of sadness at the thought of having to go to bed at a reasonable time, but they knew better than to argue with their babysitter. Having just partaken in some...

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Until the Hunters Come

Kifka died the moment the chain of his dragon's harness snapped. Three days prior he spotted the link that had been filed away, but thought he'd have time to fix it--now the pitch of the air changed. Born by the buckles and hooks tied to the harness...

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His Pokémon's Love

"The match has been decided: Danny's Pokémon have been defeated. The victory goes to our resident Gym Leader, Kabu!" The 10 year old canine hung his head and his body visibly sagged at his defeat, but more at the pain his Pokémon, his bright...

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Spyro's First Rump

Spyro shifts on the ground, snoring softly as his legs spread open, revealing his ass and... fuck, dragons really do have slits. I lick my lips, the urge building up between my legs, burning with lust. I think back to all the times he strutted around,...

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Beneficial Arrangement

Sighing, Eli ran a hand across his forehead, wiping away the sweat for the umpteenth time. No matter how much he tried to keep cool, with the cruel sun beating down upon his dark pelt all day it was all but inevitable that he would sweat heavily. He...

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Bigger and Better

Trid was not a brave fighter, or a shaman that could beat the tar out of people with magic, but she was a clever kobold, and she knew opportunity when she saw it. So when she saw the massive feral gryphon being led through the streets of Mirara in a...

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Three Humps for Mother's Day

It was Mother's Day, and Sam was alone. Not ALONE alone, but in a bit of a bad spot. Her girlfriend of years hadn't really been very keen on the idea of having children, at any point, and when it was clear Sam was actually serious about wanting them...

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