Core's Opportunity - Chapter 15

He reaches out to touch her grey-skinned arm and she turns toward him. blinking, he says, "what the?" it's the trans shark--denise! she says, "morning, victoria and millie had to go home.

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Ash's Confession

His thoughts briefly thought of pale grey skin, but it was banished before going any further. it had been happening more lately, thinking of the legendary he had met in jhoto.

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King of Lust Title Tournament Part 1

A little bit of dick milk wasn't going to convince this grey skinned powerhouse that he should stop fighting this dark blooded, crimson furred, monster.

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Executive decisions 1

He stopped at the threshold, a sudden chill bringing goosebumps to his grey skin. but he wasn't cold. "you tell me!" she snapped. there, in front of the house, on the gravel drive next to the family car, was a bright red ferrari.

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Sweet Lure

His little lisp never fading even when his face glitched to show the bright yellow eyes and grey skin of turbo with a big red t on his white helmet before glitching back.

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #13

Runetide opened her jaws and fished alex out as she stood, water sliding off the smooth dolphin-like blue-grey skin she gently placed alex on the ground. 'can you stop salivating so much?' he asked, only a little peeved.

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Light grey skin, smooth save for a thin mouth and wide violet eyes, seemingly featureless save for a slight darkening for the pupil. i nudged the window open with a bit of effort, peering inside. "a little bit, but nothing too much."

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Ch6. Orientation

Two cetacean sharks stood in front of him, their slick grey skin, and shark like heads giving them a predatory look. both were trimly muscled, and thick tails sprouted off of their backsides, ending in thick shark like fins.

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Do You Like Sushi?

As she got out of the water, the fabric of her string bikini laid tight against her striped grey skin. her breasts, each one bigger and heavier than aji's head, swayed as she walked, her large nipples hardening in response to the change in temperature.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)

The first being was a male six and a half feet tall, grey skin, stern looking face, yellow eyes, black hair, bare chested and wore brown shorts with a leather belt. oh yeah, and he had four arms.

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TS: Chapter 3

She had pale grey skin with paler grey hair pulled into a tight bun. she wore a green kimono. i couldn't begin to explain the reason why i was here.

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GW2 Fan Fiction: A Cartographer's Love

Now their kiss was complete, tongues dancing with one another's, hands move across their bodies to feel their respective lover's form, grey skin upon grey skin.

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