Hypnovember - Day 6: Sci-fi/Technology

love yourself. i will always help you reach this joyful state. i will always be by your side, teryx." his encouragement came weirdly at first, but like all negadrake had been doing for him, the dragon got used to it quickly.

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Breen's First Pride

All that matters is you learn to love yourself, be who you want to be, and not who others tell you to be." "admittedly, i don't even know who i am yet." spoke sun. "that's why we got this tank-top for me.

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Zen's Beginning Story

Nourish these parts and love yourself, for you are who you are and nothing can change that. be proud of who you are and hold your head high with no doubt. room 6: purple orb- there is happiness found in life and death.

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I wanted to love her, but how do you love someone when you can't love yourself?" "you're buying time for yourself, you're becoming cyclical."

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Desert Return

love yourself. learn to love yourself for who you are and what you can do. it's the best way to stave off those thoughts." a loud crash of water against the rocks had both collies glance over to the window.

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Sketching Chapter 1

Don't get me wrong, loving yourself is something vitally important; you can't love anybody else if you don't love yourself.

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No Thanks Required, Part 1

"i heard tell," she said, rubbing my shoulders, "that you're supposed to love me as you love yourself." "i do. i do _exactly_that," i sighed, closing my eyes. "hmm. then you must not like yourself very much." "i like myself just fine. don't you?"

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Life on Paws

"or, well, they do say you should love yourself right?" kanne leaned in and gave a long lick over sima's heel, making the girl turned foot squirm and squeeze down on her pads.

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The Chase

I teach you to take care of yourself, to love yourself as i love you.... and the night that you are meant to take my collar you run from me? how... dare..you" he bites down hard on her shoulder, pressing the length of his body against hers.


Roadside Assistance

"don't focus on the pain and anger; focus on loving yourself," he said simply. "remember that the only person in this world who should matter most to you, _is_ you.

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Sound and Silence: Extras 8

I know that it's hard for you to care about your appearance when you're still having a hard time loving yourself. that's what this is, right, reyson?" the wolf looked away, the cat clearly having hit the nail on the head.

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