Madarao's Love Quest chapter: four Reunion

I shouted as i ran the final steps towards him, jumping onto him like a loyal dog that hadn't seen his master for a long time.

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 25: Parasite/Virus

But the thing inside of him wasn't going to be stopped, the loyal dog that he'd been injected with. "i do, sir," he said.

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Corruption of the Dataheart

Together we will dominate the rest of the digital world" he grinned wolfishly as garurumon pressed into him like a loyal dog. \* meanwhile back in the human world, a handsome young man with blond styled hair and blue eyes was busy in a concert rehearsal

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Judge a Book By Its Teeth

The only difference between what i knew about mimics and the one sitting in front of me was that this one was sitting in front of me licking its lips panting as if it were a loyal dog.

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Heroes for Villains - Dog Catcher

When the door to cell sixteen opened once more, the raccoon's loyal dog waited for his master. scent hound stood only on his knees. his entire body was sealed inside the fitter's garment. the fabric was skintight around the stocky dog.

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Chimerical 125

She cannot understand how nish had managed to avoid the will of hircine, but he has; hircine would never order one of his loyal dogs to do the selfless acts that the imperial had done.

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Into the Depths (Ceil's Journey Part II)

As before it is set in the same world as my loyal dogs series but this is its own standalone thing.

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City of Light: Chapter 13.6

She watched the man go from a loyal dog of the military to one she could trust with her life, one that would choose what was right over his duty. "he's different now, sweet guy, oblivious though." "oblivious how?"

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Unforgetable Halloween

Nuterhek considered that this calming down meant that his loyal dog was recognizing him again. "_and like i know you still do._" he continued caressing the dog's face. and then his neck. "_oh, my dear apui.

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The Orphans - Chapter One

Mordecai chuckled, scratching his loyal dog behind the ears who very much enjoyed the attention. next, loki looked curiously back up to his master's face. there was a question written in the mightyena's expression. one that most anyone would have missed.

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Ninetails' Revenge

Can you still please this goddess oh loyal dog?" ammy said, moving her hip. "as you wish." repede grinned and began pounding her again. \_\_ ammy and repede were in high spirits as they made their way to the coast.

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New beginings for a tortured soul chapter 4

In some ways the spell doesn't make you a slave but makes you a pet, much like a loyal dog. you can still think and feel but you are loyal to the person that rid you of evil.

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