Serious Coaching

"thought so, boy." "h-hey -" wade complained, almost meekly. "you know what's coming now," toki declared. toki barely had the time to see the otter´s quizzical expression before his entire face disappeared under the dragon's foot.

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Spirits within - Wild Nature

. ----------------- "f-fuck this, i'm out of here" one of the guys in the arena said, and as he fled the other three followed him leaving only juliette behind as i was halfway through the "change" "w-what is up with this guy!?

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Burning memories #2 - Suspicions

While stepping away, he started to mutter, "i... none of my... men h-have injured you, have they? barely an inconvenience," he quickly raised his gaze, was soon to lower it again though, "s-so do as my daughter said and... take her in my stead.

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Flag Football - Part 1

He realized he was in his underwear; a pair of tight fitting-briefs that did little to hide his maleness. "h-hold on!"

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Daddy's Boy

"remember what i said, boy?" "h...huh?" ethan whimpered. "i ain't gonna be gentle." with that, he pulled back, sliding all but the tip of his cock from ethan's hole before thrusting in deep. "ahhh! f-fuck!!"

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Flag Football Pt 1

He realized he was in his underwear; a pair of tight fitting-briefs that did little to hide his maleness. "h-hold on!"

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 89

He thought, lowering his sleeve causing his to breath in the ashy suit coming from the boilers below making him cough in surprise and cover his face again before quickly following the men. "h-how did people work like this?"

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My Sword, My Clan 26 - My Investigation

I saw nobody else within that room but me...and that boy...h-he had no reason to be in this." " further questions your honour."

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For Richer or Poorer (Full)

The siamese beside him bumped her elbow against his side which resulted in a folly of the cup, almost spilling the hot liquid onto the unsuspecting male. 'h-huh? i'm sorry, what did you say sasha?'

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The Abundance of Celestial

It was doughnut guy! "h-hey th-thranksh..." she slurred badly through her numb mouth. "come on, let's go. i'll drive you home." said the hyena and then there was more pulling and pain split kizzy's hazy world as she was forced up onto her feet.

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And Escape His Nightmare 3 - From a Tale of Two Cities

"b-b-but...mum...d-d-dad just...he wuz this really nice guy, h-h-he sang to me when i slept an' he cooked an' when i needed him the most he just curled up and died l-like a stupid ass!"


A New Life

Say hello to my friend rocko, boy." "h... hello, sir rocko." "don't let the badgerish appearances fool you, rocko is a pig. he has a lot of good sides too.

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