Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter9

.~_** _" know, sometimes i have a hard time telling if you're confident or mentally unstable. want the good news?"_ **_~hit me.~_** _"good news is, there was actually a lot of usable information on the video footage you pulled.

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Serenifi: Jail-Bait, Incest, and Furry? Oh my!

If north korea can have a mentally-unstable ax-crazy leader, then anyone can lead... where was i? oh, yeah... "how did you end up like that?" kennedy asked the coyote, pointing to her amplified belly.

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"The Gift": A Primer on Spirits (Part 2)

It is not easy for a spirit to overpower and wholly consume a mortal unless their target is suffering from a grave injury, is particularly mentally unstable, or is open and receptive to the spirit.


Love Lost, Chapter 4b: Perceptions, concluded.

Blinded by rage, he was not cognizant of how hard he was about to strike his daughter, who he truly did love, inside his fantasy realm where he was a king, and not a mentally-unstable washout who could not keep even menial jobs for any significant duration

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Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

Even as a youth, though, he had realized that expressing the desire to be a horse would have tagged him as mentally unstable, so he kept it to himself.

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Smoke: 'No Life'

"he's mentally unstable after my training... it causes troubles sometimes... he sees everyone as his enemy... except for you. this is why i need you too... i want you to take care of this problem... if you don't then both of you will die."

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Chapter 14

'if there was no reason for you to switch moods, then you would be called mentally unstable, however if there was a reason for your body to switch, say like a predator comes and interrupts the reason for your...excitement, then it would be called good

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Seventeen

Reeta, being mentally unstable at times, would fear he was a curse and killing him would curse them further. it took some doing but larri would convince her to sell their son in order to let him become someone else's problem.

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Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 7: The Encounter

In extreme circumstances when the patient is mentally unstable, the doctor may take it upon themselves to bring the case to the acting captain of the craft and the patient's immediate family."

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Starlight: Issues

James rolled his eyes, "that might explain a few things, like why your so mentally unstable." "something along those lines, yes, but it runs deeper than that.

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Chapter 10: Gym

mentally unstable hedgehog. instead, she went into the house, shutting the door behind shadow as he left, and headed for her room to make sure that sonic was up and out of the house, or at least on his way out.

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