Vixen in Bondage

She stops abruptly when she feels something cold touch her large breasts, over her nipples; milking tubes she and her sister had used on the cows they had at the farm at home. she yips in fear, struggling in vain now.

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Trapped in the Simulation: Part One

His cock was secured and locked into the milking tube, which would collect his cum, his balls left accessible in case they needed to do any work on them in the future, though measurements were collected at the point before the simulation began.

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The Breeder's Den

The male let out another yelp as the milking tube suddenly sparked back to life, giving off a strong shock to his intimates.

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A Haunting Chap 4

It looked kind of like the milking tubes they had studied earlier in the spring... but different too. wicked. dirty. the thick cock strained as the sucking tube slid against the broad head. it wouldn't fit... tor smirked triumphantly.

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Belle asks she watches a long tube with milking tubes snake out of the walls with several robotic arms with syringes. "computer shut down pen twenty-three now!" "error! vocal command disabled!" computer said.

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Pleasure Shack (Story Commission For Tarke)

He dropped to all fours and roy pulled his cock from tarke's mouth to hold the milking tube in place as it relentlessly stroked tarke's growing and thickening length.

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The Center Chapter 4

Stripping off his gloves the horse slipped the milking tube off the movie stars cock, wiping it down with a paper towel. "feel free to call me at anytime... and set up an appointment."

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Boss Bull vs Boss Slime a Tavern of Spear fan story

Helpless to the pulsing mass inside of his ass and the milking tube his cock was trapped within, axel's balls unloaded another few shots of bull milk into the ravenous thing.

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Taboo Fantasies Abound! Cuntboy Anon X Anth Big Macintosh

His walls tugged on bm's shaft like a milking tube, sucking him in with all its might to get the cream it desired. it would have that wish soon as precum began shooting up anon's vagina and further lubricating the entrance.

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Extra Work Required - 2

The trio watched how the milking tube began to bounce upon the horse's shaft, with the added stimulation of his testicles since the movements of the cylinder were transmitted onto his huge nuts by the strap that kept the device in place.

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Rise To Power Chapter 10

She goes over finds lunesta similar situation but minus the milking tubes. after looking at her for a few minutes she notices lunesta's breasts are left alone. turning back to flameria streeka asks. "could you get me a couple of rings?"

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