Drunken Halloween Lullaby #2

Be careful what you eat out there, folks >>;; "multi-head"? - i'm struggling to figure out what to kinda put on here, honestly, but there's a word in here that a lot of people probably will not recognize: kveldulf [old norse for twilight wolf].

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Tongue Twister

Dro looked in the same direction, but only saw the multi-headed beast as it writhed in time with the music. "trying to avoid someone?" he asked. "three." she replied. "two wolves, and a todd who wont take a hint.

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What stoch had handed him was a construction workers suit, and a multi-head screwdriver. "i'll get you, you son of a bitch..."

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Dream Vacation

The multi-headed beast caught the frightened female and began to terrorize her with its three large scaly heads snarling and growling above her.. as well as with its three big, thick, leaking, fleshy heads, spurting and shoving and writhing below her before

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Daddyloves 3: Fuckdaddyloves

In a grand display, backed by some rather massive boxes of same the product all packed up, was a model of a long-necked, multi-headed dragon - a hydra i suppose, with about a dozen winding heads snarling in all directions.

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Joining Forces, P4

The malleable mind quickly reshaped itself into one worthy of a creature of apex, but as they looked at their new multi-armed, multi-headed self they realized something was missing as they turned to the last survivor.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Seventh Interlude

Far to my right, i saw behemoth surfacing and slamming his massive claws into the multi-headed hydra. leviathan's equine form erupted from surface beside him, roaring and with its arms ready to drag down my animus.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Six.

A rather large looking multi-headed dog and twin tailed cat. a cat the size of an overgrown tiger that was.

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Kareth's Escape

A multi-limbed, multi-headed beast ready to pounce when everyone least expected it. the entire neighborhood of buildings seemed to go on forever.


A Walk in the Swamp

D heard rumors of multi-headed monsters, but never seen one. it was female though, and rather pretty except for the weird multi-heads thing.

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