Eleven Yappers Yipping

"then you need to discipline them, or get some sleeping aid. they do make dragon-strength melatonin tablets." "so... i need to reduce my hoard?" "unless you can greatly improve their quality of life under your care, then yes.

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 3)

Karus was being completely honest, he thought that the 'sleep aids' he had used in the past, and was planning to acquire soon, helped squash these memories. it was clear now that it was not such a bad decision to signal his dealer before.

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oh dear!

"you know that can also be made into tee riding it of its numbing effects but making it instead into a sleep aid and may rid you of stomach discomfort".

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Six

Despite the strong protests of sampson, he had begun to up his dosage of sleep aids and sedatives. the still silent wolf spent most of his time either asleep or in a mental state where he was completely unaware of his surroundings.

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Beyond the Stars - Chapter Two

After a quick final shot of a sleep aid he fell fast asleep. she stood over him for few moments before covering him up with a thin blanket.

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An Outing

I've been giving you 'sleep aids' to listen to for months now. nothing permanent, mind you. just some little things to trigger when i want to have fun.

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Experimental Trials

A double-blind study for a sleep aid. some kind of medicine, apparently. they were looking for volunteers, though the poster did have a disclaimer that participants would have to sign a waiver. they'd also be compensated, however.

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Gym Part 2: Workout

"i'm glad to see that you slept well...then again, it was originally supposed to be a sleep aid, though i'm glad that my pretty kitten gets to experience the side effects. still helpless, beautiful..."

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The tale of Ryan Lewis Pt3 Settling in.

"it sends a ray that can either knock out, kill or vaporise things, except i always keep it on two setting, it's a handy sleep aid." "you've made me excited about the prospect of tomorrow, alduin, how am i supposed to sleep?"

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a simple story I ( 1/22 )

Fj had a good sleep, aided by his desire to escape from his worries and the fatigue of working somewhat in gardens around in order to sustain himself, the paternal income being more uncertain. fj stretched in his bed, cursing the mondays.

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Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 2

Were she not taking sleep aids. eric scowled up at the ceiling, staring at it in the dark as he laid on his bed, body tense, muscles tight, and brain awash with thoughts.

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