Locked Out

It wasn't predictable either, and there was no slow change from high to low and back. the vibrator would jump between all levels, keeping seomi squirming on her seat and barely able to keep her moans in her throat.

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Chapter 1: Going to the Dogs

With the help of his native american mentor, edgard moon bear, jeremiah discovers that the key to the mystery may be found in another world - a world where therianthropes (human/animal hybrids) are the sentient beings, and where hundreds of years of slow change

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Holding Tight With a Tiny Grip

Letting his inner power bottom shine through, exile looked back at the coyowolf with a huff, ignorant of the slow change across his body.

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DUI (skunkette/tiger and tiger/otter vore)

He did not see the slow change in her expression as he forced himself deeper. the fear faded, bit by bit. maybe it was never really there to begin with.

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Starlight Part 4

The form moves it's head towards him, the eyes slowing change to more resemble the sensory organs... the eyes now resemble magnum's but they aren't simply blue, some kind of purple energy is flowing from them in wide patterns like tenticals.

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Megalopolis - Forging a Soul

Chiyako throws herself against the lever with sweat rolling down her naked body as they both stare into the fire and she watches the slow change in the metal as it brightens again to white hot.

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Family Exile

She was so ignorant and distracted that she hadn't even noticed the slow changes in the last few days, she had only noticed herself growing more irritated at smaller things, but now..

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GCHQ - 02 - An Interesting Move

This slow change that had taken over the area had delivered new feelings, new sights, new smells. he loved it, and he was hornier than ever.

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Growing Up Greenfield (1)

"hey ... " rezo's hips bucked in rhythm with her minstrations, all out of his control, "what happened ... to taking it ... slow?"

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Ted Tales VL 1

I had about two minuets before the slow changes stopped, and the quick finishing changes happened.

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UFA Vs. HRF Chapter Two: Heavy Price Paid

(to be continued ) ================================================================ (what will become of wolf's rage and will he and natala really be good together or will his slow change be to much for both of them....find out next time on the next

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The Garden

With my taking pictures, i saw the slow changes my garden had been going through.

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