Arein: Dress ups?

T help but flatten and his tail hugged close to his legs almost tucking between them. he really didn?t care that they were dressing him up, but it was just the fact that if any one saw him like this, it would be down right embarrassing.

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Snakeskin - Gaining Followers

It was if their positions were reversed, a tall, muscular cobra-man stood there in the bathroom, its tail hugged tightly around one of its leg.

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Double Weakness 2

Strife closes his eyes and holds iggy's tail, hugging and licking at random parts, light moans coming from his throat. he pumps his back and forth a bit harder, his hips bumping against the bug with light thumping sounds.

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Krystal Shards

I shall meet my hero... and real love" krystal laid her body and wrapped herself with her tail, hugging it tight, waiting for the next day to come for another challenge of the pervert sharpclaws. the end

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Lonely Oak Chapter 52

The younger vixen clutched her tail, hugging it against herself. she distended her left hand and waved with a meek, "hi," that everyone could barely hear. "nice to meet you," luke said to the newcomers.

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Cavern Canoodling

Her tail hugged him tight for a brief moment before releasing. as he slid away, her tail lifted higher to show off. a pleased smirk on her muzzle as she rolled her head. practically laying her head on her own back to watch as he stumbled down.

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Rewriting History: Age of Calamity Smut Fic

Even nestled into teba's warm front, link still had his arms and tail hugged around him. "tsk, very well. i try to bring you two somewhere with privacy and this is the thanks i get," revali said as he walked inside.

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ETTFC: Post Herm Dragon TF Funtime

You're on your back with your tail hugging the backs of your legs as you spiral down, getting slightly dizzy. then the slide goes straight while sloping slightly upwards.

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Hedgehog and Fox Act Two: Bros with Benefits

"thanks, sonic," tails hugged him tightly. "so, how are we going to find eggman again?" "i wish that i'd never have to see him again," sonic said. "don't worry. he's probably waiting for me in the next zone. he can't resist showing off his new toys."

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Dirty Laundry

My legs hung over the edge, and he curled up on my belly with his big bushy tail hugged up against his chest. naked and satiated. one of the nicest feelings in the world. "so," he murmured serenely, "you're really going to go through with it."

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dragon's head

Karla purred and swished her tail, hugging the old bear happily. the old badger priest smiled, glasses perched on the end of his nose. "is the happy couple ready and the witnesses present?" ruthe and gus nodded. "then let us begin.

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Leash and Quarry

When the skunk was reeled back in by by his leash, the bigger man had laid back along the slick rock bordering the spring, his great tail hugged up against his chest and his firm cheeks greeting the man in the water.

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