In the Doghouse

She could feel him start to slip as he moved off of her back and reached back, trapping his knot with her fingers as he moved to stand tail-to-tail with his freshly bred bitch.

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)

We were both out of breath as i raised my leg and pushed off of him standing tail to tail with him waiting for my knot to deflate. "raider, that was a whole new level of pleasure" he said panting. i chuckled.

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When Father's Away

What he found strange was the labrador didn't seem to have the desire to turn tail to tail. instead, the dog seemed content to be locked and spooned against the wolf's body.

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An Unexpected Mate

When he was done they were standing tail to tail to better let his seed flow into his mate. crouching down, kailo's muzzle hung open, his crotch in the air and tail beating wildly as he drooled with pleasure. "hah, hah, hah...arroooo!"

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Birthday Wishes - Part Two - The First Wish

Twisting till they were tail to tail, crotch against the round butt. teddy's balls rested comfortably on taelan's back. with a painful tug, teddy began to pull free of taelan's stretched hole. "ugh, f-fuck, what are you doing?"

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Blade's Adventures - 03 - The Mother

After few minutes, the husky dismounted and remained struck in the tail-to-tail position close to her. -still don't want to say your name?

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When Druids Cross Faction

Sameyila was still humping him, pulling roughly on his embedded organ, when he lifted his leg, turning around until they were tail to tail, knotted together, sire and bitch.

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The Human War- Chapter Twelve

If we could get more, we could match the army tail to tail." "do you really trust that the humans can overcome the army with their trained professionals?" maxx asked and an uncomfortable silence filled the room.

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Hurt and heal

With a groan talula tried to stand up, finding hirself tail to tail with hir knot still partially inflated. with a tug and groan it popped free, letting their accumulated mess flood out of the vixen's gaping pussy.

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The Trainer - Past - Chapter 01, Part I - Birds

He would kiss her, tail to tail, and let his watery seed flow into her. he wriggled again, flushing, frustrated. down a little more... wriggle... she lifted her tail up higher. then he felt it! but it slipped away from him.

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Joining the Pack

The two stood tail to tail, the alpha yipping commands at his pack as suel decided to rest a bit, laying his chest down on the grass.

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A Tentative Night

I can't count all the opportunities i've had; sitting tail to tail, wrestling with each other, and even a few times staring him straight in the eyes. i've seen it in all the movies, it seems simple enough. just grab his shoulders and kiss him, right?

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