In the depth - chapter 3

In the depth chapter three. everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. he could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing.

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In the depth - chapter 1

I only found it recently in the depth of my hard drive and decided to give it a rework and post it. one little interesting detail for this story is that it happends under water so grab your scuba diving stuff and follow me in the depth.

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Into the Depths Part 7

Posted using postybirb into the depths part 7 "i don't expect many people to get this far. so, i am going to take out all the barriers. i hope this next section doesn't bog you down too much," i told kalae.

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Into the Depths Part 4

Posted using postybirb into the depths part 4 kalae linked arms with me and i opened the door and proceeded into the next room.

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Into the Depths Part 3

Posted using postybirb into the depths part 3 initiating battle engine... battle engine initiated... she took my hand and we descended down the first set of stone stairs. the stairs were enclosed in between square pale stone walls on each side.

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Into the Depths Part 2

Posted using postybirb into the depths part 2 "stick close then, so you don't get lost," i told her slightly grinning and upbeat and stepped forward into the darkness, forward and to the left until the door we came from was a tiny speck of light.


Into the Depths Part 1

Posted using postybirb into the depths part 1 i was given the power and the power was given to me. that whenever i would write about it, that it would come true in a way in time.


[Commission] Depths of the Forest

The scenery in this forest is absolutely gorgeous. As you keep trailing down the sinuous path of dirt among vibrant green grass, each turn seems to offer a new breathtaking sight : a lake, with water of crystal purity ; a stump, covered in unusual...

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The Depths of Delvara - Part Six

#6 of the depths of delvara the peak of the spire of jo'rhun proves to be more perilous than anticipated. confronted by tanaleer ivok's power and depravity, the group finds themselves completely overwhelmed.

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The Depths of Delvara - Part Five

#5 of the depths of delvara the goal of the group comes into question as they near the top of the spire leading to jo'rhun, and delvara suggests that there may be more to their mission than simply defeating tanaleer ivok.

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The Depths of Delvara - Part Four

#4 of the depths of delvara all is far from well as nadalo experiences the lingering effects of her encounter with the vildekin.

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