Sacking Paris - Chapter 1

I just want to see some of the world before i grow too old to do so, and if i get killed in battle i´ll be sent to valhalla so in a way i see it as a win/win situation."

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 7)

As that revelation hit jen, the sun broke over the mountains, coloring the world before her.

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The Darkest Heart Chapter 1

The prince stood at the window, watching the world before he sighed and walked to his dresser. taking out his clothing for the day, he pondered what he should do.

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Officer Werewolf part 2

When her eyesight started to go several years ago we chose to travel so that she can see the world before her vision goes all together. of course it helped that i could be at her side as a guide."

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Two

You actually got to see the world before my parents hired you." "that's true," she agreed reluctantly. "what's it like out there?" sarah pressed her, coming to stand beside her. "what did you see?" "i saw many things," mrs.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 11)

Syne remained still, taking a long breath and looking out into the world before staring straight back into my eyes. the moonlight reflected beautifully off them, the gem set in the centre of his forehead also glowed unnaturally.

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The Place

The heirs had decided that the "place" - name given to the technology - would be tested in some small places around the world before being marketed to other artistic institutions. lana and i decided to extend our stay in the capital.

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Illusions of Godhead

"the world before destroyed itself with that knowledge, dr. röhaner, i'll remind you." "this isn't about the world before. it's about our world now, lord erdurin, and learning all we can of it." "and if that were true, i'd support you.

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Cabin Fever

Slowly the world before me began to ebb and get swallowed by the darkness. slowly, but surely, i feel into sleep. it still felt so hopeless, like a cocoon that wrap me up and never let me out again. in some ways i wanted that.


Victernus - Chapter 24

He knows of the world before. he knew what it was like. but, he won't share it with you... and that is because in the old world, it was much different. everyone was different. and before things went downhill, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted.

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The Lost and Found

Few held memories of the world before the war, the few that did were once human. in this new age they above all know to keep their silence about the past, for to be human, or once human, is a dangerous thing to be.
