Doe and Alpha

The umbilical cord followed, slithering out past the wet, white underbelly until pressure from the deer-child's head and arms halted any progress. the show was about to begin.

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baby demon

But it took him seven day's to arrive in birth form the birthing left mom weak but alive mom rested a bit as her son was cleaned and umbilical cord clamped and diapered the boy so his mom could feed the boy his milk in a bottle.

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How I got Damned - Ushis Tale part two

With a squelching sound, the demon appeared and pulled its umbilical cord behind it. ushi did not hesitate but tore the umbilical cord in two with her teeth and threw the demon carelessly behind her. he would leave quite quickly, as they always did.

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Ramirez Trapped

In the coming days she came to understand what it was: a umbilical cord. she guessed so as for what felt like weeks she didn't feel the need to eat or drink.

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We are Shadows: Prologue

Samuel knelt down and scooped up the cub covering his uniform in blood and amniotic fluid taking his pocket knife from his belt and cutting the umbilical cord severing the contact between the deceased mother and the newborn cub.

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 10

She collapses on her bed as glade cleans her baby and cuts the umbilical cord. "samantha, it's a boy." glade hands the baby over to his mother and she has her first look at her son. he had blue fur with blond spots and blonde hair and plantigrade feet.

Dhryn and Shinyi

Its umbilical cord had already torn from the rough birth. he turned the foal on its side and cradled the new life in his lap, marvelling at its size.

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Sheila's Revenge

Inside, tom's new umbilical cord pumped his blood in unison with hers, the first of many processes that now belonged to sheila.

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Gods and Mortals (Kreet 46)

At least she didn't have to pass gangly elbows and knobby knees, not to mention the umbilical cord and placenta that humans had to endure.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 69

Imagine your baby lying in the snow, its bloody umbilical cord still attached to her gaping womb. imagine the steam rising off its dying body..._ _no!_ _then you've already made your decision. what are you waiting for?_ _you're not real!

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An 'Evolved-One's' Tale

As her father cut the umbilical cord, he noticed natalia's blood and embryonic coated body was not as he has been expecting. natalia's hips were narrow, her legs long and misshapen, with large, almost oversized narrow feet.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 70

Imagine your baby lying in the snow, its bloody umbilical cord still attached to her gaping womb. imagine the steam rising off its dying body..._ _no!_ _then you've already made your decision. what are you waiting for?_ _you're not real!

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