NCIS Meets KFB - 1

Still dumber than some work dogs, like hungarian pueleys that know a hundred different commands for herding sheep. all this background led gibbs and his team to a field trip to butte montana usa, the only dna mix production line in america.

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Arctic Heat

But a husky is also a working dog. everything about the legendary sled dog, from their dense fur to their powerful bodies and massive lungs, is perfectly built, perfectly honed, for years of running. still, it's no mean feat to join a sled team.

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Delivery [Commission/Collab]

He wished he would never get to that same point, though; being a german shepherd, he was a work dog, so how could he not love these things?

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Volunteer Job

They were a breeding operation that specialized in working dogs of all sorts, from military to search and rescue to service dogs for the disabled.

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Catholic Bitch: Showing Her Worth

She'd show the world that not only german shepherds and labradors could be working dogs. sometimes a show dog was meant for_more_. at first, saná had felt she was imagining it as her thick, grey spade began to puff out.

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The escape chapter five upcoming changes

Grace had made it clear that jenny was going to be a working dog too, but you knew she was the favourite and she knew it too. i think it was little sister syndrome where the youngest gets spoilt.

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Call it Greed

This working dog already ran herself ragged for the day. - after waking from the nap, you hollowed out a section of clay.

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The Payment

The platoons were originally designated by breed, and then after the casualties really started to hit they were designated by type, like working dogs and stuff like that, and by the time i hit the mix they just kinda threw everyone in together.

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Love Potion #10 - Part 3

"well, now that you're a working dog, time to get you acquainted with your new job - doing anything i want." with that, i unbuttoned my jeans and slid off both my pants and underpants, grunting as my hard cock entered the chilly air.

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Wild Horses Part 8 Cool Calm & Collected

He was the number one working dog 2 years ago. make some copies of that and make sure you bring plenty to the show." "why?" "i have a feeling that plenty of breeders are going to ask for one." he replied cryptically.

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Half & Half: An Endless String of Bitches

She always had trouble connecting with many of her peers, but she always made an effort, just interested in the strange life of a working dog. balto sat further away, taking in the scene as his mind drifted.

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Breaking Him In

She was on one of the less travelled paths of the park, and doing her business so early in the morning even the pre-work dog walkers and joggers hadn't arrived yet.

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