Part 3 Weiche!
Brummte der albino und legte die pranken im versuch seine gedankliche anspannung zu lösen und es sich gemütlich zu machen unter den kopf.
Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 17: Offenbarung
Ein verdammter albino, der gejagt und fast getötet wurde. anstatt hier zu sein, sollte ich unter der erde verrotten oder verbrannt werden." einen augenblick lang herrschte stille.
The price of vanity
He had been referred to the albino bat by another friend of his after complaining about how frigid and rigid vanity was in bed.
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The albino alligator turned the camera around to smile and wave to the audience, her purple eyes and hair contrasting with her ivory white scales.
Thomas (Der erste Tag)
"kinder, thomas ist ein albino. das heißt, daß sein gesamtes fell weiß ist. die augen fallen da natürlich besonders auf, weil sie rot hervorstechen."
Kathryns' story
It gets more interesting, you know about a certain talent albinos have?" asked kathryn looking at terri, who nodded. "yes i do, the albino foxes can do like a teleporting trick at short distances. you have that talent don't you?"
Lunar Tales Arc 1 [Rebellion] Chapter 1 - Setting Off
An albino weasel with black scleras and red irises. "phantom! so you wanna travel with me, little buddy?" he asked his albino weasel who nods in excitement as his master closes the satchel.
Chapter 15: Into the Shadows
But that albino stag will try to complicate the issue. he could be a kivuli double agent within the shishigumi."
Araiyi gasped but stayed still as the albino stroked the peach-colored fur of his sheath then pushed a clawed finger past the dark lips and into it. after a moment, the claw withdrew.
In Medias Res
The albino named max dimmed his eyes and let out a breath of a chuckle. "what has given you so much trouble, regardless...?" "giants, max," he retorted simply. "ah...right. listen to me, reymont." his demeanor was suddenly commanding.
The life of a cub (Part 2)
. * * * yeah, so you know i'm an orphan already, i was the albino-kitten that amanda pulled of hell that you read earlier. they called me tim back at the orphanage but amanda didn't want that name but neither did she want me to forget that time.
Enter Lord Fujiwara
Artemis yawned and opened his eyes. He could feel the warmth of his horsy lover lying next to him. He sat up and scratched his head. The room they where in was nice and warm from the glowing embers of the brazier. a beam of light from the a hole in the...