Meeting One Val Salr: A Forest Encounter

"the story begins about thirty years ago; i was just coming of age and beginning my apprenticeship to a master of the ancient arts.


Escaping the War

At the time, i was far-too dim/sozzled to inquire about other career alternatives after four-weeks of reincarnation rehabilitation, i was flown to a podunk town to undertake my medic apprenticeship.

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[Commission] The story of Flashpaw: Bonepaw's apprenticeship

Ever since they began their apprenticeship, there was a growing sadness in them. and now that sadness was at it's peak.

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Sandin (1)

Sandin looks for options after bombing out of a woodworking apprenticeship. ~~~~ choose your own adventure story - comment to add branches! highly experimental.

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Mages Apprentice - Prologue -

Few ever passed beyond the long, and painful apprenticeship - knowing as they grew in power and stature, their life would burn faster and faster...

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.1: A Celebration of Shame

The weapon crafter had taken the young kitten in at some eleven years of age-- older than most apprentices, but apprenticeship was not the only thought on mr. xao's mind.

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Adventure (1)

While their real training wouldn't start until they reached apprenticeship, the cubs were always expected to help with the jobs of older members. beth wasn't known to have potential like some of the other cubs.

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Nine Lives of Deathrow - Prologue

It was this good favor that landed me my apprenticeship. our town had only three tailors, still expanding to the verge of being called a city.

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Chapter 54: The Golden Age

He'd had would-be sorcerers begging him left and right for apprenticeship since he was given his new title. "you're doing a sight better than kilyan," julyan laughed. "enya received word from home: lea gave birth to a son!"


AZ-02 Flight to Arvandor

Plus, roger must meet with my parents, due to the apprenticeship." roger sighed. "this apprenticeship gets more and more complicated."

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Calterra's New Treatment

"he tried to get you removed from your apprenticeship when you called him out for beating his former mate!" "and since everyone else already knew about it, the elder's council clearly saw through his horonshit," she smirked.

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Darkfang's Sanctum

No one said anything about an apprenticeship! don't tell me naxis sent you here to be my student..." darkfang turned away and sighed and the dragoness giggled as she nipped at his back leg making darkfang gasp in surprise and shift around and glare.

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