Abandoned Project (Otherwise Untitled)

Please acknowledge short range targeting lock; please acknowledge strike of seven simulated nuclear missile slugs.", the basilisk pausing for reply.

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[TEASER] What Ails the Mind

The basilisk adjusted his glasses as he spoke in that professional tone of his that he does so well.

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Travel Documents (Otherwise Untitled)

The crooked beak of the basilisk seemed to, just almost, be grinning.

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Carnal Demonlogy Volume 3

In fact, even getting within 10 feet of a basilisk's body is enough to infect its victims with a weaker version, simply by the smell alone.

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Pages of Crime (Otherwise Untitled)

~ with a voice that sounded like the rage of radiator of a car installed backwards, the basilisk cheerily announced, "varner! i have arrived with lunch.

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Arc 1 - Part 6 - The Darkest End

As the rat went down several glowing purple stones whizzed up and struck the basilisk as jay unleashed a storm of magic missiles.

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Ethan's Promise

He stood up on grease's back, caught his breath and addressed the crowd: "in case you missed anything," he said casually, "i, a basilisk, a gay basilisk, just kicked the ass of a dragon in his dragon form without changing.

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Faux Fossil

His name escaped the basilisk at the moment. "a fossilized shark tooth. i almost stepped on it, and we dug it out." "is that so," asked hauke. he leaned forward to peer at the pointy triangular rock.

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In Serpent's Embrace: Chapter 7-Awakening Pt 1

Above that is a fresco of the basilisk pantheon, the two main gods of the basilisk. it is pertitahiel (the god of negative energy) and rirsohna (the goddess of positive energy). they are sitting in the center of other serpent-like deities.

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Re-entry (Otherwise Untitled)

#106 of short stories a basilisk takes the quick way to landing on a planet.

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Basilisk's Opportunity (Otherwise Untitled)

#107 of short stories a basilisk is eager to respond.

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