Outsetting Encounters
"psh," the brunette said. "there are lots of torchickies here who're crazy about each other." she sat upright and scanned the room, stopping. "like them."
JBIAF: Physical Education
A brunette poodle (if that's what the respective source-material's wiki classifies her as), and two... well, apparent monkeys, judging from their mouths, one brunette, and one with braided ginger hair. don't act like you haven't seen them before.
Serenifi: It's A Wonderful Fanon Pairing
Thankfully, the yelping dissolved into comparatively-tame rants emitting from the mouth of a brunette male human in a blue suit. "whadda ya think yer doin'?!
Serenifi Anthology: A Looney Welcome
Two were blond, one brunette, one raven-haired, and two redheads. "what're your names young ladies?" one of the redheads attempted to speak, before being interrupted by the braided brunette. "patty farrell. two 'r's, two 'l's."
Ballers: Pregame
brunette sucked in her breath tight as the broad crown pressed itself against her slit, arching her spine and grinding down against blondie as the first inch speared her, another behind it and then another. brunette was in rapture.
Dragon's Heart Ch. 7
The brunette looked up from her {\*cough\*} victims, giving brandyn a watered down version of her death glare. "simple.
Patrat TF
Upon reaching a clearing, the brunette stops and waits for further instructions. not long after that, the rattata arrives. so does all the other inhabitants.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 5
(we then see a grey-furred female skunkette with red hair, a blue-furred skunkette with brunette hair, a black-and-white skunkette with raven hair, and a yellow-furred skunkette with blond hair, each feasting on talapia, in the nude.)
A halloween Tale
A shy looking brunette with glasses whined as she felt the dark "eyes" of the house's window bore down on her soft skin.
Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Part 4
The black panther of the group, meanwhile, paired with the 14-year-old brunette, removing her blue slippers, matching nightgown, and matching undershirt and panties, before slithering his massive dong into her.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 4
(cut to a brunette pre-teen, with an overbite, accompanied by a young redhead girl.) montana max: i thought i told you not to come here! (cut to a female brunette coyote.) serenity coyote: sorry, monty!
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 2
(cut to tranquility skateboarding to her house- a cadillac in the middle of a junkyard, where she comes across a brunette coyote debating with a brunette human.) human: you didn't tell me your car had a skunk-scented air-freshener!