A Night to Forget Pt. 1

This rabbit cockblocked me from death! "hey, i remember you! what the fuck was that?!" you should've seen her face right then. incredulous and disbelieving, and not just due to the fact that i was talking to her.

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Senior Soul Chapter 2

"your dad's a cockblocker." ace said, with a smirk. luke laughed as he got up to put the rest of his clothes on.

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Hexes and Hoes

The smoothest, most unanswerable cockblocking he had ever seen! nobody messed with big b so he could do exactly _nothing_ about it!

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Dancing With Fire: Chapter 30

First you cockblock me, now you're stealing my bit!" even so, he didn't need a mirror to feel the blush heating his face.

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A Magical Evening

Lucious felt cockblocked. "okay, here's my riddle." cain continued. "what does a frog look like?" the naked boy looked at his master with a confused expression on his pale face.

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The Interrogation

"well, captain lask wasn't too keen on getting cockblocked. fortunately, or well, unfortunately, it really depends on which perspective you look at it, carson thought it was a good idea to bad mouth the captain.

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Workout Buddy

"we got ourselves a cockblock over there." he pointed blatantly at the vixen, who was obviously whispering in mish's ear. they both glanced up at him at that exact moment, catching him in the action of pointing.

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Classroom Fling

Note: this one-shot story is 90 percent fictional and the other 10 percent is true because the real-life version i was cockblocked. no, really.

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Bad Eggs.

_-y'know, if you'd stop cockblocking yourself with your own pussifaction, then there might be some hope for you... well, that and a face transplant._ she moved the mouse over the send button, but stopped when she remembered e. bunni's message.

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There she is... chapter 3

If it ain't the cockblocker himself." the wolf's voice made alex's blood run cold. "me and the boys been lookin' for a chance to have some words with you."

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Aphrodite City 5: Wrench In The Plan

_\cockblocking bitch, now we break your toys!\> _ a voice screamed telepathically in her head as the remaining villains rallied and struck at once. now the battle began to turn for the worse...

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From The Ashes- Part 8: Matchmaker pt1

Sorry for the long wait, real life issues and the like have resurected the cockblock demon. but, i was able to keep him at bay long enough to write this. first off, yes. this is a (dare i say it?) the first no-yiff segment to hit my story(gasp!