Honored Friend

Hot coco? i could make some sandwiches." "coco's fine," the shy mouse said as he took off his rain parka. "do you have blueberries by any chance?"

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The Damsel and the Deserter

"there we go, two sweet cups of coco" pix said with a smile as she picked up one of the flowery cups and padded into the living room, rik quickly followed her with his cup and packet of biscuits "can't have coco without biscuits" he chuckled

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Cowgirl City 4- In the Milky Field of Dreams

I started to fumble with the confining material, but coco gently held my hands down.

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The Plan Chapter 1

Cortex, there are only two compatible females in all of the world for crash; coco and tawna. tawna doesn't possess the intellect to undo what we did, and if coco were otherwise occupied..."

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A Werewolf Halloween

After we had sat and drank our coco mr. furgor emerged from the dark interior of his house carrying three small boxes. "how was the coco, boys?" "excellent!" we said as he handed a box to each of us.

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The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter ten: Déjà Vu

Todd cut him off, once again sending coco pops flying across the table.

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Candy and Chocolate

"coco! you feel so good! harder coco!" candy pled, her hands caressing chocolate's breasts of their own accord. she moaned, arching her back again as she felt herself thrusting up against chocolate's hips.

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Happy Halloween 5: The Dead Of The Day

Leo, coco and manolo got very mad, and fumes expelled themselves from their cranial cavities through their auditory pannel eardrums.

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 11 - Friendship

"if you're sure..." said coco, carefully. "i'm sure," said robin, sounding more certain than charlie had ever so far heard him. "alright!" said coco, with a smile.

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Get Rich Ziggy! Episode 1, The Middle Of Nowhere!

It's just up those stairs to your right then go right left right and it's coco's office on the left at end of the hallway!" "up stairs, right, left, right, end of the hallways, coco's office, thank yoooou!"

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Chapter 05 - Maid to Order

Furniture, wood paneling, tray, coco cups, lamps, and clothes... it all disintegrated. the only things spared were a small houseplant and the coco that had formally been in the now disintegrated mugs and serving pot.

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