New Journey Chapter 39: Fluffy

Give fluffy some time to grow up."

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Heated Bedding

Huena shifted his body back and forth a bit, working his five limbs a bit deeper into the insulative warmth of the groin fluff.

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An Exquisite Opportunity Pt. 1

The fluffy fellow rolled on his back and panted softly, brushing an ear off his face to stare at the brilliant blue stretching over him.

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The Way Of The Lost And Lonely (ch.01)

* * * IMPORTANT MESSEGE This story is copyrighted by LonelyLostWolf1 and Nicker (R) We reserve all the rights to rewriting, changing and modifying it to us. \*\*\* Neighhh... Nicker (R) here. This it the first story I've made together ...

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Poem - Life in Haikus

When dreams yesterday become nightmares of tonight; Life can feel pointless. - When hope becomes null and happiness dies; Life will feel pointless. - When you feel alone with nothing to keep you strong; Life does feel pointless. - But...

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Their First Time

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Eyes like Emeralds

I just wanted to say I had SO much fun writing this, if you guys want to see more of these two please do let me know, I really enjoyed writing this! Yukon and Denali are Copyrighted to my friend, Mchobbit There may be errors I missed, I got so...

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Chapter 1 - Prologue

"You listen here Doc, we are _not_losing her!" A well built Grey Wolf in a suit stands in front of a Leopard in a labcoat, who crosses his arms and sighs. "We barely managed to save her already, theres just too much damage.. Maybe next time you won't...

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Our eyes meet from across the room The spark ignited and made our hearts explode A instant connection to who we are Making us wonder what is to come What is it that makes us feel this way What is it that makes our hearts...

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Poem- I want to fuck you up

Do you understand how you make me feel? I want to scream Every time I see your face No I don't hate you But you make me crazy Like I want to break free I want to grab you And touch you And make you love me Like I love you I want to fuck you...

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