RaidenRaijin's Gnoll Offspring Ability Reference list

Mycokinesis...generate and manipulate fungi 97. myokinesis...manipulate muscles 98. mystokinesis...manipulate magic 99. nanokinesis ...manipulate nanites 100. naturakinesis...manipulate nature 101. necrokinesis...manipulate the dead 102.

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The protective layers of fungus on her arms were shaking. her skin was pale moonlight silver. her webbed hands were clenching and unclenching. everything about her was moving except her feet.

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Dangers of Amateur Horticulture

It wasn't long before the fungus responded to the pre, extending its spike. with each stab into hir glans the shroom released its painkillers, spores, and more aphrodisiacs.

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RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!

Mycokinesis...generate and manipulate fungi 97. myokinesis...manipulate muscles 98. mystokinesis...manipulate magic 99. nanokinesis ...manipulate nanites 100. naturakinesis...manipulate nature 101. necrokinesis...manipulate the dead 102.

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Chapter 9: Coming Flame

They even manage to collect a bit more of the immature fungi for the healing tea. arriving back at the camp late in the evening, they find many of the sick children have made the trip, the fungus tea having helped rejuvenate many already.

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Adventures of Krystal, Return to Sauria

Krystal removed her staff expecting light to fade as she did but the fungus never changed adopting this new brighter tone casting new scarlet shadows on everything and instantly increasing her mood and lessening the fear.

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Adventures of Krystal, Return to Sauria

Krystal removed her staff expecting light to fade as she did but the fungus never changed adopting this new brighter tone casting new scarlet shadows on everything and instantly increasing her mood and lessening the fear.

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Mushroom Cave

Its arms grope around, grabbing up vast swaths of fungus, making more spores shoot up and fill the air, spilling down and covering the kobolds head-to-toe in the powdery substance.

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Mushroom Cave

Its arms grope around, grabbing up vast swaths of fungus, making more spores shoot up and fill the air, spilling down and covering the kobolds head-to-toe in the powdery substance.

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The Spore; Chapter 1 Proofed

They discovered that the funguses were actually not radioactive in themselves, but instead seemed to be absorbing the radiation like massive sponges.

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Water was smooth, whereas this; this was silken smooth and carried a similiar pale blue glow to the fungi. as his eyes slowly started to adjust to the new light he could see that he was in a cavern.

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