Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves

"warhammer, this is micheal linden of the word of blake. surrender now or be terminated!" the warhammer's own loud speakers activated as he replied full of anger, and defiance.

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New Beginnings Ch 16

Hope you enjoy reading it **_new beginnings ch 16(tides of battle)_** **_ _** (will vael be able to win linden's gym core? read on to see. includes some oral between pokémon.)

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 1

linden, came in and class began. the rest of the day passed as drearily as all the others.

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Bonding Moments (Chap15, Book9)

I was told by this guy, simon linden, that i need to find you. i know you ain't got no clue who linden is, but he been watchin' you because what'cha can do. you're a damn sight more important than you may realize.

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What I Mean

The park was all rough stone walkways and marble benches, rolling green lawns and stands of linden trees. it was the sort of place where businessfurs sat and ate their lunches, where young couples might have a picnic on a warm summer day.

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Apples and Trees II

Part one is here: highly recommend reading it first forest valley was built at the foot of a grassy incline leading to a dense collections of linden trees.

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She hesitated on the corner of linden and 18th, stopping mid-stride and staring down the street. she should turn. she should turn left and walk the next two blocks. she should head up the stairs.

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Collector Manson 8

While these two collect their unfortunate spoils of war, come with me to examine some newcomers with my linden. he will teach you, rather quickly, what to look for just by glancing among other things."

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Chapter 2 - Shattered Ice

I mean, it's not bexley, but it's not linden either. why would you have to pay for your own tuition?" jose asked, glancing over at jare'l who in turn put his face in a paw. "well, my parent's started out with the greatest intentions.

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New Beginnings Ch 14b

#15 of new beginnings some last minute training and fun after the checkup before the gym battle **_new beginnings ch 14b(linden arrival)_** **_ _** (while alyssa is talking beauty,

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Avatar trips: Chance encounter (SL-based short yiff story)

"i'm not after your lindens, foxie." kino smiled. "just relax. i'm here for a good time, same as you." she assured him. the fox did, in fact, loosen up after that admission, and allowed himself to get closer.

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The Green Night

Behind him there was a hill, covered with linden trees, and in front of him was a still lake, full of water lilies and rushes. the grass he lay on was thick and soft, like a worn and comfortable sofa. "it's a rough time you're having of it, then?"

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