Venom Rising- Ch.II A Warrior's Past

"but then, mother became very sick with fever, and your littermates died of the same disease. even though you were just a moon old at the time, fernpelt insisted on isolating her from the rest of the clan, saying that it was highly contagious.

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A Growing Family

But the one right next to their mother's hind legs did not come out anything like his littermates, or anyone else in his family. every strand of fur on his coat was unto as blades of grass. his fur was **green**! "uh, grandma." stinky said.

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All Alone

One of eroan's littermates has woken up. the remaining six kittens had digested their meal of milk and were now half grown.

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Man of the House (Part 1)

The umbreon fem was luna...of the eight littermates, she was the first-born and considered to be the "head of the household".

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Starting A New Tribe

They both seemed to be in heat and we're likely acting on a combination of instinct plus the closeness of their bond as littermates.

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Lee and Mina (Episode 6)

"honey, it's perfectly natural for littermates to want to be together like this. remember, your aunt maggie and i were like that too when we were around your age", paula mentioned to lee.

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By the light... Chapter 10 When needs must

"well our teachers did say practice not on our littermates..."

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Twisted Minds, Chapter 1

The pair were not only his littermates, but the only dogs he knew well enough to trust completely. besides, they were the only ones who could ever really understand, because they were the only ones who'd had to live through that nightmare too.

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The Jungle Book - What The Fog Hid

Obediently the mancub's littermate spun around and curled his tail up in invitation, bending over just a bit into a crouch. he gritted his teeth as the sudden intrusion pushed all the way through his tailring and opened him up roughly.

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Fortress Of Destiny, Chapter I

"yeah, you heard your littermate, little orcish pig!" jonas heckled. i looped my leg around his, jerking hard as i rammed my shoulder into muzga's chest, bringing jonas to the ground and sending muzga stumbling.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Eighty-second Entry

But of course he did - he always did, just as he always had when they were growing up, when she was the chieftess' daughter and he was her littermate.

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