Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero

Celestia's monolog was undisturbed by the potential formation of a tense situation. nopony, except for fellow guards, even noticed my father's heroism. he not only detensified the situation. he prevented the tensification itself.

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The Vessel ch.1

Well i dont know little boy, theres not much to you i have no real need to give you any gift-" the demon stopped mid monolog as he sniffed the air. phil was nearly scared to death, and had no idea what the demon was talking about.

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Plaisir - Short - Lazy Fun

She had caught him monologing. now she was air-juggling his ass. "oh, that is low," said october, frowning slightly, but also slightly impressed. neon's response was a hearty laugh, right from the belly.

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Zodiac - Cancer

He slipped on the headset and smiled as he heard jessica's 'internal monolog' as she psyched herself up. "well well, let's see what our little bunny can do," he said to himself.

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A Bunny Tail

During his monolog i was watching his face. it was kind and expressive. he was a lot older than i was. that wasn't hard to do. i was only fifteen. his smile was genuine. i almost believed him.

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Rape Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

She persisted with her monolog, ignoring his struggle. "more than a thousand years ago, i let my mind connect with your dreamworld on the astral level.


The fall of two heroines

It was an interesting world to live in, but also very dangerous as this wasn't a comic book, the villains didn't sit around and give you time while they monologed...some did, but the majority didn't, and you'd wind up dead if you weren't on top of your game

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Kiss Me

Jack interrupted damien's fast monolog and was coming closer to him. „i don't know what got into me too, but..." he stopped. „but what?" „i feel i want only one thing now..." jack said quietly and bashfully. „what?" „kiss me." „what?"

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Noble Poundage

The conversation of the visiting nobles and ladies in waiting was even less interesting then own monolog. most of them were concerned with getting drunk or indulging in the lavish banquet.

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Cynjinn Island

Winston had hoped to charm a monolog from him but he was just not the monolog sort, and winston's charming skills worked much better on roscoe than on a grumpy, dog-hating, wanna-be murderer like her man james.

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Zodiac - Leo

The monolog earned a grunt from linda, but no more reaction then that. the set of her tail and ears though showed what she was truly feeling, despite her best efforts to hide it.

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The Chronciles of Vaahn - The Way Forward

I suppose it's a common enough name, but by god how does the council-" davenport halted his monolog and returned his attention to vaahn, laughing to ease his own shock. "i think i know now why you didn't want it getting out who you are!"

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