Hyravian Exploration

The monsoon rains had passed, ending the mating season. while the youngest hatchlings were closely watched and guarded, the older, near-mature ones were often allowed to run and play on their own, with only the occasional glance in their direction.

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Expedition: Solitaire

The third, however, was extremely green and tropical with endless monsoon forests teeming with life.

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Kinktober—2021 (Public Humiliation)

Whitetummy's naked body shuddering in pleasure; donations started pouring in as if ushered in by a wet monsoon at its peak, and the chat window just about burst at the seams from all the heart and eggplant emojis.

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Silence found, the monsoon halted. time met as understanding was found. hearts entwining, and the only sound was that of metal snapping like a twig. * * * when i first returned, i was choking on emotion and guilt.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Prologue)

Everything went silent again as the constant monsoonal rain continued to fall to the ground. but it was then another sickening crack occurred.

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Pokemorph Virus: Kyogre

Maybe we're just getting a really bad monsoon." he chuckled a little. "it's the middle of summer. we don't get monsoons this far inland at this time of the year." he smiled slightly. "it's something we should look into, anyway.

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The Huntress

Moist green leaves crinkle beneath her paws, redolent of the monsoon rains, the dampness matting the fur on the pads of her feet.

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The satyr cheered, though abruptly stopped as they realised it wasn't thick, night elf cum raining down over them, but a monsoon of hot, golden piss! "graagh, what is this?! are you...?!"

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Blood Rose-8

He started begging the goddess for a thunderstorm, a monsoon, hail, anything to get the diminutive female off of him. but the thought of the wet vixen set his hormones on fire and he shuddered beneath her. "stick?

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Foot Fetish Stream Story 8: Summer's Heat in Summerset

Yes, he was damp and looked as though he'd walked through a downpour that put the monsoons on the great coast to shame. yes, he looked smaller than he actually was.

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Evil Quill-Weave:First Caper Part 2

It went from dry to monsoon in less than a second. as she staggered towards the tower through the woods, she realized her high-heels were no longer appropriate in the rain. she would definitely need to get boots.

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