A Typical Morning. (Commission)

It was clear in an instant what the "obstruction" was that the dragon had encountered in his failed entry, and it was now that he realised that his "ambush" had indeed failed, just as he'd expected.

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Terveta-Chapter 5: Spring (Part 4)

Her eyes fluttered open and her vision stared up at a blue sky with no obstructions. her paw swiped at her muzzle to find what it was that had dropped onto her. her fingers pulled away, dabbed with blood, finally realizing what happened.

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He moved closer to remove the obstruction.. and found his nose buried in the scented crotch! a hand wrapped around his head, as the man mouthed a noise. the animal inhaled the scent of human sex..

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Duty Chapter 24: Emergence

The police officers stood behind their police car doors, grasping their guns to the ready as they eyed the obstructed doorway. firefighters and medics could only look on with grime anticipation.

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A Failed Quest

It was rather difficult for him to make anything out, on account of the dim lantern and obstructing helmet.

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The Chronicles of Love: Chapter Two

Roy asked as he tried to look over kyle's obstructive wing. "roy, you've been trying to get me to stop driving for half an hour already, we're almost there." kyle answered with a bit of cheer in his deep voice. "as long as we're not going t- hey!"

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Golden Opportunity

I can't-" straining, he pushed, another gush of wetness following as he tried desperately to clear the obstruction. "that's it. you're going to make me so much money."

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.4: Looking Ahead; Looking Back

We weren't up to enough of a speed to take any real damage, but we had accidentally set upon a small obstruction. according to the carpenter below it isn't serious.

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#15 - The Enemy of My Enemy

The primary ingredient in _this_ fudge is industrial strength explosalax; it's a brand of flavorless laxative used for large circus and farm animals with emergency digestive obstructions.

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An Unsatisfied Customer

I swallowed as best i could with the obstruction in my mouth. the voice was inside, there was no doubt about that. i was shivering at this point. then i heard a few more clicks. click, click, click...

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Terveta-Chapter 4: Professor Knetter (Part 2)

Blizzard picked his way through the mess, stepping gingerly over parts and components while softly pushing obstructions that hung down away with his paws.

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