Service to the Crown

The prosecutor, wearing his traditional robe, rose and began. "good afternoon, your honor.

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What Was Broken [7]

One of the prosecutor's witnesses lives quite some distance away and was only able to arrive in the past few days, for another case.

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Fox and Falco A New Beginning Part 2

"i am the chief prosecutor" said the official as he entered and sat across the table from the pair, "you are the pair known as fox and falco correct?" "yes but i protest at being treated like this.

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Working Late - TAFW Contest Entry

The prosecutor is willing to 'lose' some extremely damning evidence against my client, but only for a price." "the prosecutor?" he's a big, broad-shouldered bull, always dressed impeccably in tailored suits.

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An infomercial for a snuff movie

You can make a decent living on parts like sam in "casablanca" or the prosecutor in "miracle on 34th street". but halfway through my senior year i realized that wasn't what i really wanted.

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The Predator and His Prey

Cried the squirrel prosecutor. "on what grounds, prosecution?" asked the judge, giving the prosecutor a stifling look.

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Luca's Story Ch. 14

"your witness," levowitz said to the prosecutor. the lean, sharp-looking weasel gave the floor to a hulking behemoth of an elephant. even as elephants go, mr. sinclair was a hefty individual.

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Sean part 9: the court case

"objection, your honour the prosecutor has a room" the snake hissed "your honour if you please, i have pictures of this so called room" "objection over ruled" the wolf said "mr.

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Witch Hunt

In the modern day, we find that the spirit of those prosecutors who sentenced those poor foxes and that panther to death and who would believe someone was a witch by the way he/she reacted when fed a disgusting beverage made of fermented urine is still

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Rampage's Rampage 1

"you see, rampage, this is a trial, and i'm the prosecutor. let us take a look at the evidence of your crimes, and from there we can show you your proper punishment." "don't look like a court i've been to," rampage snips, cracking her neck.

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Rampage's Rampage 4

As the prosecutor of this case, it is my distinct honor to proclaim the punishment that befits such a crime.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Epilogue

I remembered how vigorously the prosecutor had fought against the removal of the restrictions on my ability to use networked computers and i could only imagine how much he was trying to keep me from moving forwards.

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